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Meera met her parents at the elevator and made their way to the Amethyst ballroom for the party. Arya had already gone downstairs with Tara. Maybe I should have waited for Arjun...

They walked into the most gorgeously decorated room Meera had ever seen. There was a center stage area, probably meant to be the dance floor, which was surrounded by tables. There was a long chandelier hanging from the ceiling which lit up the whole room. The high ceilings made the ballroom look much bigger than it actually was. 

About a hundred people were already present wearing the most expensive looking outfits. The jewellery that some of the women were wearing was breathtaking; diamonds sparkling as bright as the stars in the sky. Of course. I forgot where I am. All these people are flushed with cash. She caught Arya's eye in the crowd and she walked over to them with Tara, holding a drink. 

"Are you drinking Arya?" their mother asked sternly.

"God no, mom. It's Sprite. You want to worry about drinking... keep an eye on your other daughter" she said smugly. Tara sniggered as well. 

"I am sure Meera is more than capable of handling her drinks. She is old enough to know better. But still, Meera... don't embarrass yourself at this wedding. Just be aware of your surroundings. That is all" her mom replied, throwing a knowing glance at Meera.

"Oh God Mom. Please don't tell me these things here at least. I am more than capable..." she replied and remarked "Parents, I am going to get myself a drink. I think you guys should do the same! It's party time after all!" 

Just as Meera made her way to the bar, she noticed Arjun's call and answered it.

Meera: Hey! Where are you?

Arjun: I am already here in the ballroom. I was searching for you. 

Meera: We just came. I am near the bar.

Arjun: Okay wait there. I'll join you! 

Meera: Okay. Hurry!

She was sitting on one of the bar stools. She had already ordered a L.I.T. She knew that this drink would get her drunk faster, but getting L.I.T. free, was a chance she could not let go off. Man, I have expensive tastes.

And then she saw him wave. He was wearing a three piece suit. Black jacket and pants, white shirt. How did he manage to look that good? Are you serious? He looks like a male model. Oh my God. He is coming over. Stay calm. Oh. Who am I kidding? I can't stay calm right now. 

Meera waved back tentatively with a smile, a million thoughts racing through her mind. She got down from the bar stool, realizing that he would reach for a hug. 

He wrapped her into a big hug, a genuinely bright smile plastered on his face. She hugged him back with equal enthusiam for five to six seconds before they broke apart. 

He then gazed deeply into her eyes for a few seconds and said in a serious voice, "Meera. You look gorgeous! I mean it. And I don't give too many compliments to people. So consider this a high honour!" sitting down on the bar stool next to her. 

"Wow, thanks Arjun. You look good too!" she said genuinely. I think I am going to need an ambulance if he keeps complimenting me like this. 

"Ohh I see you've ordered an L.I.T.! Good choice. I'll have the same!" he said to the bartender. 

"I had to get an L.I.T. because unless I'm at least a little drunk, I don't dance. It is super dorky!" Meera admitted sheepishly, taking a gulp of her drink. Maybe I should drink this a little slowly. It has way too much alcohol in it. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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