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It was 1 am. Arjun and Meera were on the second episode of Sherlock. Truthfully, both of them were drooling over Benedict Cumberbatch. Who wouldn't? 

Arjun was trying to mimic his dialogues, which wasn't so difficult for him in his British accent. Every time he managed to say a dialogue well, Meera would look at him eyes gleaming with fascination. Arjun had noticed this reaction and was purposely doing it more. 

They were sprawled on Arjun's bed. The lights were switched off to give a home theatre vibe. They had pillows underneath their arms, lying on their abdomen, tucked under the cozy blanket. The most comfortable position, but still somehow gave you a neck-ache. After a long time, Meera finally let out a yawn she was desperately trying to cover up. 

Arjun shot her a look, pausing the episode. "You cannot be sleepy right now Meera. We have one more hour left in this episode!"

"Listen. I am not an insomniac like you! I have needs. And sleep is the biggest one. Right after food" she replied, still yawning. 

"It is not my choice to not sleep, you know. I love sleep as much as you do. I just can't...", he said turning on his side to face her. 

"Yeah I know. I'm sorry!" she said, turning to face him as well. 

Both of them shared a look, realizing that the distance between them wasn't too much. How do situations automatically become romantic with this guy?

"You know what. Let's just talk for a while. Maybe you might fall asleep sooner", she suggested, breaking their eye contact. 

"Hey! I am an excellent conversationalist. You might just lose sleep, if we end up talking" he said, turning on his back. 

"Great! I'll start" she said, sarcastically. "What is your day like in London, usually?"

Arjun pondered for a moment and then turned to face her, "Uhh let me think. Alright. I live with my flatmates, James and his girlfriend Sierra. So I wake up around 8 ish. I go the gym for about 45 minutes. We all have breakfast together and then I leave for my classes. I take the tube to get to King's College. After class, I go for a beer with some friends at a pub nearby. I get home and watch some show and sleep. That's it!" he narrated. 

Meera was listening attentively. "So you conveniently forgot about your girlfriends, didn't you?" she said in a mocking tone. 

"When I do have a girlfriend, of course this pattern changes a bit. I spend the evenings with her then!" he said sheepishly. 

"So you are telling me that you don't pick up girls at the pub or something?"

"It might be difficult for you to believe, but I don't hook up with random girls or have one night stands. I am not really into that" he replied coolly. "Of course I have dated girls from my classes or had a few blind dates set up by my friends but that doesn't last long anyway."

Meera was slightly taken aback. "I must say, that changes your perception for me a bit. I like you better now that I know you're not a typical scumbag!"

"How sweet of you to think that! Thanks Meera. I am so touched" he mocked. Meera slapped him lightly on his abdomen in response. 

He laughed and asked, "Anyway, now it's my turn to ask. So... does that ex of yours still bother you?"

"Wow. Getting straight to the point, I see" she said, a little taken aback by the question. Arjun shrugged. 

Meera shook her head, "Sometimes, yes. I couldn't bring myself to block him from everywhere. He messages me on Facebook sometimes. About how things could have worked out if I was more patient. I never reply. I wanted a guy who sees me as his girlfriend and not his mother. Is that too much to ask?" she said in a frustrated tone. All her frustration was released once again.

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