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Alisha. Why did Arjun have to meet someone new, pretty and interesting literally two seconds after I left him alone here? This is going to be a great week now. Why would he spend time with me, now that Alisha is here. UGHHH. First Sid, now Arjun. I have just had it with boys today. I just need a relaxing bath with soft, instrumental tracks playing in the background. 

Drinking her Cosmo at the speed of light, she was making her way out of the Ballroom. She was just about to reach the door, when she heard someone call out her name. 

It was Varun, the bride's brother. Of course. Of course, this had to happen now. He was wearing a white shirt and black trousers. His disheveled hair and black glasses suited him. He flashed her a smile, as he came towards her, half-drunken beer in hand. 

"Hey, you're Meera right? You sure look different than you did when we met first!" he said excitedly. 

"Well, considering the fact that we met about 8 years ago before puberty, looking different shouldn't be such a surprise, you know!" Meera replied sarcastically. 

Oh God. Where did that come from. I don't even know him and I am being so mean. AND HE IS THE BRIDE'S BROTHER. I really shouldn't be around people anymore. How can I fix this now?

But to her surprise, he laughed. "Wow. I deserved the sarcasm. It's my fault really. It was such a dumb 'first thing' to say!" he said, sheepishly.

"Oh God no. I don't know why I was so sarcastic. Force of habit, I guess. You don't need to apologize" she replied.

"If it's any consolation, what I really wanted to say it that, you look really good. I mean, good job puberty" he said jokingly.

Meera laughed shakily. This took a different turn than I had expected. "Thank you. That's really sweet" she managed to say.

"So we have a party tomorrow night, just for the groom's and bride's guests to interact with each other. It'll kind of set the mood for all the wedding festivities. Since we have to be here for a week, why not get to know each other a little better, huh?" he said. 

"I agree completely. Count all of us in!" she replied enthusiastically.

"Great. I'll see you around then, Meera. Tell your sister I said hi too" he said, giving her a side-arm hug. 

"Yup. Will do. See you!" she said and set her empty glass on a nearby table. She almost jogged to the door and made her way to the elevator. That's it. No more social interaction for at least 2 hours now. 


Now this feels so good, Meera thought as she sat in the bathtub, eyes closed, listening to her favourite soundtracks playlist. Thankfully Arya had already taken a bath by the time, she got to the room. 

She first replayed her conversation with Varun. He was definitely cute and responded well to her untoward sarcasm too. I should talk to him more tomorrow when I get the chance. Although, I'm sure he was just being a good host. He must have a girlfriend or some other complicated relationship for sure. 

Complicated relationships. That brought her to Sid. Why did he need to be so weird about Arjun?Why did he get all quiet when I accidentally said that he was afraid I would start talking to Arjun more than him? He was completely out of line. If he weren't my best friend for the past 3 years, I'd have cut the call. Tanya needs to know about this. Maybe I should videocall her at night. 

But no. Arya is very nosy and will tease me incessantly about all these boy problems. I'll just send her voice notes instead. 

They had a dinner planned with Arjun's family, after some time. I am already dreading this. Arjun will tell me all about Alisha and how amazing she is, how they will be hanging out this entire week. What if he invites her for our dinner? Kill me already. Who will I hang out with now? I don't want to be that person who is in the most happening wedding ever and yet on her phone all the day. 

"Are you planning on finishing the water supply of this hotel? It has been 40 minutes. Just get out now!" screamed Arya, from the bedroom.

"FINE. I'm coming out. She stepped outside in her towel and crashed onto the bed, head first. 

"Do you know, you are being the most dramatic person right now? Every single thing you are doing right now, has been done in some rom-com" Arya said, combing her hair against the huge vertical mirror in their room. 

"Arya. Not now. I am really not in the mood. Let's pause this argument and resume sometime later? Okay, thanks" said Meera, getting up. She selected a slightly fancy looking purple top and black trousers. She applied kohl and lip balm and parted her wet hair the way she usually did. 

She unlocked her phone. After replying to several Instagram messages, inquiring about the hotel she was staying in, she noticed that Arjun had texted her. 

Arjun: We're going for dinner at 8:30 pm. Meet us there! We've booked a table.

Meera: We'll be right there. Give me 10 minutes. 

Meera and Arya knocked on their parents' door. Her mom was still touching up her lipstick. 

"You girls look presentable enough for dinner. Thank God. Please dress nicely while we're here!" she said, glancing at them sideways. 

Meera and Arya shared a look, as always. "Come on now, Mom. Enough touching up. You look fine. And Dad. You are making us late. Let's go now!" shouted Meera, so her Dad would hear her inside the bathroom.

"This might be the first time you kids are rushing us. It's usually the other way around" remarked Meera's mom, grabbing the room key card. 

The family reached the restaurant to find a grand buffet arranged for all the guests. Arjun waved to them from their table. 

"Sit, I grabbed a seat for you. We were waiting for you guys to come, before going for the buffet!" he said, as Meera sat down next to him.

"Actually, don't sit down now. Let's just get food first. I'm starving" he said immediately, making her get up. 

There were so many options to choose from that it was becoming overwhelming. Meera decided to begin with salad and appetizers. She and Arjun brought their (now full) plates and sat down. 

Meera had decided that she was not going to ask about Alisha herself. Arjun started, "So Alisha and I ended up talking for about an hour before I went upstairs to freshen up. She is a design student. Very artistic. And really funny too. I think you'd like her Meera!"

"I am sure I will..." she said, mustering as much fake enthusiam in her tone as she could. She was taking bites of her food constantly, so that she wouldn't have to react verbally to his Alisha rant. 

"What did you end up doing all this time? And how'd it go with Sid?" he asked genuinely.

"Sid was fine. He was just getting a bit jealous that I get to experience all this without him!" she said, with a short laugh. And with you, instead of him.

"I actually ran into Varun, the bride's brother as I was about to leave. He is such a nice guy. Even though I was so sarcastic to him, he thankfully didn't take much offense! There is a party tomorrow night for the bride's and groom's guests to interact with each other. Should be fun!" Meera said, taking a bite of her grilled fish. 

"Yeah! That does sound like fun. I'll looking forward to it. But I am more excited about tonight, to be honest" he said. 

"Why? What's there tonight?" Meera asked, a little afraid to hear the answer.

"Meera. How can you forget your own ideas? We're watching Sherlock tonight, remember? To help me with my insomnia?" he replied. 

"Tonight? But I am so tired already! Can we not do this tomorrow?" she asked.

"Umm no. After the party tomorrow, there is no way, you'll stay up. This is happening tonight. I overheard Arya and Tara making sleepover plans. Okay fine. I may have put that idea in Tara's head. So you'll be kicked out of your own room eventually. You'll have come to my room and sleep in that extra bed we have, anyway. So why not just watch the show with me, tonight?" he said with a triumphant grin. 

"Damn you, Arjun. You evil genius"

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