Chapter 16

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~~2 weeks later..~~

"Haha! Cartman, stop it!" Kyle scolded as the bigger figure tickled him carelessly on the sofa. Their eyes were locked, and Cartman held him tightly in place with his right arm, cradling him.

"Say 'please stop master' and I just might." Cartman replied in a deep tone. He stared longingly into the gingers eyes as he looked weirded out, in a playful way.

"Master? Why-" The brunette continued tickling him and Kyle yelled out in the highest pitch possible.

"No questions. Just call me master, Jew."

"Alright, alright. Please stop master, I can't fucking breathe."

"Okay I'll stop." Cartman pouted but lightened up when Kyle cuddled up next to him. It was a Sunday night, a day before Kyle joined him at work for the first time. It was an amazing plan. Set up a drug burger stand. It was just going to be them, Cartman decided to not let Kenny join them.

Ever since Liane's death, Butters has stood in to be his therapist and Kyle his support. Kyle had been amazing throughout everything, staying calm and encouraging him to stop drinking and smoking as much.

They had gotten closer, and recently decided to call it official. Everything was good, everything seemed like it was going to be a good life together. Kyle was still like a butler, bringing him what he wanted and cleaning up a bit, but Cartman was trying to convince him to quit his job. Kyle would always say 'I'll think about it.'

It was their movie night, weekdays Cartman worked and did online meetings on his computer while Kyle talked to his mother all day. At the weekend, Saturdays would be for going out and spending money, Sunday's they would chill out; like today.

Kyle looked up at his significant figure. He loved his eyes, nose, hair, smile, teeth, everything. Cartman looked back down at him, and thought the same. Their lips connected and they both smiled throughout it.

They were watching a horror, and a character suddenly screamed so the ginger jumped. Cartman held him tighter and laughed. He would always get scolded, yet still did it. His smile was enough of an apology.

Kyle dragged him down roughly again and kissed him lightly. He bit his lip and slid his tongue into his mouth. Their eyes were both open, gazing into eachother. It was an intense moment but Cartman found it funny and laughed again.

"Eric~! I'm trying to be serious." Kyle pouted and the other kissed his forehead.

"I know, but that's the funny part."

"How can I make it more serious then? Choke you while I do it? What do I do?"

"That sounds good, if you really want to kiss me that badly."

"Of course I do, I love you!"

"I love you too dear."

"When you say dear it's the sweetest thing in the world."


"Just the way you say it. You're voice is smooth, usually, and nice to listen to. Dear is just a word you say perfectly."

"Maybe I'll say it more then, dear."

Kyle giggled, Cartman lived for that sound. He stared longingly at his mouth but had to change the movie as it ended.  The ginger yawned so the brunette turned the tv off and carried him upstairs to his room.

"We're sleeping in you're room tonight, then?"

"Yeah, it's decorated nicer."

"Asshole! My rooms so much nicer!"

"I've got the more comfortable mattress."

"True. True."

Cartman tucked them both in and spooned the smaller figure. He pressed his lips onto his neck and slipped his top off for him. He was soon asleep, like always.


"Kahl! We've got to be out in five minutes, what the fuck are you doing?" Cartman called up the stairs, walking up them. He looked at Kyle buttoning his shirt up with a adorable hat on with the words 'Cartman's Burgers' on it. He looked smart and cute, making the brunette blush.

"Sorry I took so long, I didn't know how to wear my outfit smartly."

"You look perfect. Now come on, we've got to be ready up there in an hour with new burgers and a stand."

"I've got it. I'm sorry, I just don't want to let you down."

"How could you let me down? And stop saying sorry, it makes me feel bad for you."

"Oh so- um I mean yeah okay I won't."

Kyle followed Cartman to his black van, both jumping in quickly. It was surprisingly clean and organised, despite how the brunette was in general.

"I really think you should quit being a butler." Cartman started for the 100th time. "I mean, it's just wasting our money for something you can do for free."

"I know. But the man there is on the brink of closing down. I couldn't live with myself knowing that I've ruined someone's business."

"That's not their problem, though. You've got to put yourself first sometimes, you're bad at that. You're always putting others first. It's a bad habit of yours."

"Yeah..I know that too."

"Chin up babe. You look so depressed when you pout."

"Yep. Know that too."

"Oh shush. When you quit you're job, you'll feel free. All you'll be doing is helping me deal drugs to the helpless people in this town."

"Why do so many people buy from you anyway?"

"Because I'm the only drug dealer in town, that's why. Kenny's working somewhere else, he'll be over later to give me the money."

"You're not getting drunk again, are you?"

"Of course not. When I get drunk bad shit happens. I basically kicked you out in a way, I say horrible things and I remember every bad thing in my life."

"Good, I don't want him near alcohol. He's as bad as you, loud, swearing, sexual, dickhead."

"Yes, he can get really horny, but alcohol and drugs is all he knows. Also hooking up with people and somehow getting STD's that are gone the next day. That's his life, nothings ever going to change about him. But I would imagine that you'd get along with him, like the old days. But you two are the complete opposite, I've discovered."

"Yep. I don't drink as much as him, not even close."

"Got that right. Oh, we're here."

Cartman pulled up in the small field and they both stepped out. They dragged out the big burger stand and the grill then Kyle tended the burgers and adding drugs to them. Cartman saw a regular customer approach them, smiling.

"Eric, my man!" He exclaimed, both shaking hands. "What's the deal today?"

"Drugged burgers." Cartman replied. "It's to try and stop the police suspecting us for a while. Also to make people more comfortable buying from us." The man peered over to Kyle and tilted his head to him for a second.

"He new? I've never seen him."

"That's Kyle, my boyfriend. Aren't you my Jewish Dear?" Kyle dropped the spatula from hearing him call him that and smiled nervously. He thought it was bad to be called that, but he loved it. He waved then continued cooking. "How's you're wife and kids?"

"Cool, good. My wife's suspecting about the drugs but I'll just do them out of the house now. She's annoying and bitchy when she finds out I've been smoking." Kyle served up a beef burger, full of weed. "How much?"

"Same as always, £150." The man gave him the money then walked off, shoving it in his pocket.

Kyle wrapped his arms around Cartman, kissing his back. "I love you asshole, I don't say that enough." Cartman held his hands, kissing them lightly.

"I love you too dear, and I don't say that enough either."

The Jewish Butler - Kyman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now