Chapter 10

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When everyone got home, it was 7pm so Liane left soon and it was just the boys again. Kyle cleaned up the dishes, fed Poof again then sat his tired body on the stairs. Cartman noticed after he had quickly showered and wore his towel and rubbed his back from behind. Kyle was thinking about his mother again, always worrying. "Let's go to sleep dude, I'm so tired." Cartman then yawned and dragged him up onto his feet.

Kyle held his arm and forced his body to walk slower than a sloth. Cartman led him to his room and turned around soon after he started undressing. He walked over to his room as quietly as he could and saw Poof sitting on his bed. He shut his door and moaned in distress onto his bed.

"Poof." He started, letting her lie on his stomach over the sheets. "I think I like Kahl. He's been so nice to me, I'm trying to be nice for once and I'm doing whatever he says. I've got to tell him what I work as now, but he'll scold me for it. He's the only bit of light in my life right now. It was so adorable hearing him talk about kids. What if I have a family with him? No..he would never- with me?!"

He suddenly felt himself go hard and he scolded himself. "God motherfucking dammit!" He hissed then started jacking off to the mental image of the ginger Jew. He hated himself, he worked for him and was not to be flirted with! But he payed him to do whatever he wanted..

No, dumb idea!

After finishing, he moaned loudly by accident then fell asleep without bothering to clean up.




Kyle could hear everything as he struggled to go to sleep and cringed a bit. Yeah, he was starting to like Cartman a bit, but this was just a bit disturbing to him. What if he was thinking about Heidi? Poor sod. He wished he could go and shout at him for going for the wrong girl but he couldn't.

He rolled onto his side and sighed. Nothing ever worked out good for him. He worked for Cartman, he couldn't try anything with him! He lied in his bed, overthinking everything. His mind and body were tired, but he felt the urge to stay up and fantasise about being with Cartman. Just shopping, holding hands, kissing lightly.

He never really had sexual thoughts of him, no way those were out of the question. He just found it weird and it wouldn't end well with, Kyle would always believe that he would be, him being a bratty bottom who wants to be a top. He'd fuss so much about it all he knew he would.

But eventually, he drifted off to sleep with the thought of Cartman's dumb arm around him again.


As the morning went on, the mood changed to warm and happy. The conversations were dumb and funny and were ongoing. Kyle has cooked Cartman bacon and eggs but had fruit himself. Cartman looked at Kyle longingly and grew a light red. "Kyle, I need to tell you something which you can't tell or talk about with anyone other than Kenny. Do you understand?"

"Yes, why?"

"Do you want to know what I work as?"

"Of course, I've been thinking about that this whole time."

"I'm a drug dealer. Kenny makes it, I sell it secretly at a market each month."

"No fucking way dude, what's wrong with you?! It's illegal!"

"Calm down, alright? It's fine, I've had many situations where police came but I ended up bribing them out of arresting me. Police around here don't give a shit, even if someone tells on me like a child. You better not do it." Cartman gave him a deep, husky voice. Kyle grew pink and hid his face in a book he was reading.

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