Chapter 4

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As Kyle drove to Cartman's in the morning, his heart was beating fast. Moving in with his enemy, what a shit situation. He wouldn't worry, though, he knew how to keep him off of him.

He had everything packed or either tidied up at his old house and just watched the houses pass by. Calm music was playing through his stereo and a knife went through his heart. He would miss his old, small town, but he had to move on for his family. He told them everything, they were unsure yet overjoyed.

All that mattered to Kyle was his family and their happiness.

As he arrived at the door, he knocked twice then patiently waited. He was wearing the same make up again, forever insecure about his face and even tried to reform his nose a bit. He hated his nose, he knew everyone was different for a good reason but this was bully material to him. Everyone teased him about it once, it made him go into deep depression.

That was when everything went downhill in his life.

He wouldn't talk to his parents, friends, or even bother to talk about it to himself because he'd end up looking like a waterfall. He just didn't want to worry anyone else.

The door opened to Cartman in his grey dressing gown with a mug of hot coffee. He looked down at the sad looking Jew, and placed his hand under his chin, raising it to look at him. "Chin up Broflovski. From this day forth you're family are saved from debt and you'll have a nice life here."

"No it's not that. Don't worry, though, I just thought about something sad."

"No worries. Talk to me if you want, I made you some coffee, it's in the kitchen."

"Cool..yeah." Kyle put his suitcase by the door then stumbled into the kitchen. He was wearing his suit, still spotless, and just sipped on his coffee lightly. It was different to how Cartman has it, one that Kyle preferred. It was iced coffee. He kept a straight face and rested his chin on his palm.

Cartman sat down next to him and pat his back. "Dude, talk to me. Somethings bothering you, I can tell. You never look this down."

"I'll tell you later. No need to waste you're time on me, I'm alright." As he finished, he just sat there, waiting for orders. "Should I unpack? When are the deliveries coming?"

"The deliveries are coming in about an hour. But yeah, unpack while we wait and you can help me get them in, right? You look strong enough."

"Um..well I don't work out but-"

"Use my bike machine if you want I don't care."



"Cool, I'll just head upstairs then." Kyle grabbed his belongings and struggled with the wheels clashing against the stairs, but soon got it up. He walked over to the left side and started unpacking and decorating. When he put the picture of him and his family up on the shelf, he somehow felt at home. He smiled for the first time in hours. It felt good to smile.

He finished by organising his clothes in the clothes room then looked over the small balcony which connected the stairs and made some extra flooring. "Cartman, could I use a shower? I forgot to last night, sorry."

"No worries." Cartman shouted back, looking up with another cup of coffee and a donut. "It's just in the bathroom and there's towels in there."

"Cool. Thanks."

"You're welcome. Just be quick, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll try and rush."

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