Chapter 11

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As the boys arrived their eyes were filled with excitement and joy. Rides going on for hours, lines of hundreds of people, food stalls and restaurants. Cartman showed his form to the man behind the glass wall and they received neon pink paper wristbands.

They started wandering through the path, checking everything out. It was a new area so they had both not been there. There were many different types of rides like rollercoasters, water rides, hook a duck, bumper cars and much more. They went onto bumper cars first and sat together, their faces determined.

Kyle saw Cartman stare down a little girl by herself and he nudged him, their bodies slightly pressed against each other. "Eric, no!" He scolded but the brunette gave him a look saying 'I don't give a shit.' As the ride started up, Cartman aimed for the girl. Kyle tried to steer him away but the other was stronger than him now.

He decided to just enjoy it and not feel sorry for the innocent girl. He yelled in triumph when they hit her and her head jerked forward. Her face was confused, but the boys gave her a smug look. She suddenly looked scared and tried going as fast as she could.

They burst out laughing as her face was full of panic as they smashed into her again. "Bitches!" She called out, looking 8, and flipped them off. She gave Cartman a death stare so Kyle took the wheel and leaned into the human air bag.

"Don't take you're foot off of the pedal." The ginger said in a confident tone and chased after the girl while everyone were chasing other people. They smashed again and again until the cars stopped and the girl stomped on the ground in anger. She started swearing in the boys direction and Cartman put his arm around Kyle's shoulder.

"Good going, cowboy." He complimented as they walked to a water ride. They sat in the back of the log and Kyle laughed lightly as the bar was higher because of Cartman's thighs. He held onto the bar tightly and his heart raced for it to jerk forward. It was stupid to go on a water ride second, but there was a drying area and there were shirts in a shop.

As the ride started, it did give a sudden push forward but Kyle was prepared enough for it to not jump him. The log traveled through an arch and dropped down the slope. Everyone at the front gave a short lived 'woah!' It made its way into a water filled area with water fountains, fake fish and sea creatures, and it eventually started going up.

Kyle grabbed Cartman's arm, leaning into him. "Baby." The brunette mocked and the ginger slapped him playfully.

"The drop just scares me." Kyle shyly spoke.

"Wait until we get to the other stuff." Cartman gave him a daring look and he stuck out his tongue.

As the ride descended, Kyle screamed in fright with everyone else apart from Cartman. The water splashed into them from either side and they were wet, but not quite soaked. After that, they walked over to the drying area and walked into a pod which warm blew air onto them. Cartman looked up at the fan and the impact was so powerful it widened his mouth. Kyle started laughing manically and joined in.

After about 5 minutes of being dumb as hell, they went on a few mild rollercoasters, played hook a duck and won 2 massive dogs then went to get food. They ordered large pancakes with Nutella each and sat inside by the window.

Kyle drunk his water and watched Cartman looking outside at the person dressed up in a mouse costume. "What?" The ginger asked.

"I didn't know this place was a Disney land rip off. We might as well have gone there when there's a mouse at both parks."

"It's not a rip off, dumbass. They just so happen to have a mouse too. Now eat you're pancakes or either I'm going to eat them."

"Don't threaten a man about his pancakes. But you can have some if you want."

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