He looks like a novel villain [2]

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Waking up that morning felt somehow different. Was it the idea of attending the deep-voiced brunette's class that made me jump out of my bed? Maybe it did. I tried shrugging off the feeling. But it was stuck on me. Those chocolate eyes and his messy-but-kinda-not brown hair. And to top it off, those glasses suited him.

I shook my head, Maybe I do have a thing for glasses...

I tapped my fingers against the table. I looked outside as I placed the side of my head on my other hand. "Ned?" I heard a familiar voice beside me.

I turned to see Orihime, "Hey," I replied, giving her a smile.

"What's wrong? You seem distracted," she asked.

I nervously laughed, it was that obvious? "Uhm, well I met someone yesterday. And he said he's going to teach our class today..." I muttered, fiddling with my fingers.

"I'm sensing something, Neddy-chan~," Orihime giggled.

I felt my cheeks heat up, "What do you mean you're sensing something?"

"You're turning red, Neddy-chan," she pointed out, "Ooh! Neddy-chan has a crush on a teacher!"

"Orihime! Someone might hear us," I panicked, why was I panicking? I covered my face. It was only the second day, and I'd already developed a crush on someone I barely knew. Perfect. Everything was peachy then.

"What's with the racket?" a girl stood beside Orihime. She had black hair and brown eyes.

"Tatsuki! The new girl has a crush!" Orihime beamed at the girl beside her.

"Eh, already? It's just the second day," the girl looked over at me.

"C-Can you please keep a secret? It's kind of embarrassing..." I muttered quietly.

"Oh, sure! We can keep it a secret, can we, Tatsuki?" Orihime nudged her friend. Tatsuki nodded, "Your secret is safe with us."

I let out a breath of relief. I was prepared to abort the mission and leave Japan. I would beg my sensei to put me back into my old school. Someone walked into the class. I noticed Orihime tensed up, her face painted with horror as if she was having a traumatic flashback.

I leaned forward to see who it was. My heart skipped a beat. I looked over to Orihime, she was heading over to her seat. She looked over to another orange hair. Fear was painted on her gentle features. I looked over at the guy she was looking at. His face was shocked.

I looked around the class. Most faces, especially the girls, were awed by the teacher's looks. But a few looked shocked. Not the good kind of shocked. Rather fear or disbelieve. This made me have a sickening feeling in my stomach. My brain blared countless warnings while my heart was still skipping a beat.

"Alright, settle down class," a smile flashed onto his features, causing my heart to go wild. I was unsure if I was experiencing an anxiety attack or if I was having a cardiac arrest for the good-looking brunet. His eyes went to me. I straighten my posture. The corner of his lip twitched up for a moment.

If looks could kill, I would have already been in a coffin. This good-looking man really had me wrapped around his finger.

"I'm sure you've noticed I'm quite new here," Wait, he's new?! "I'm Sosuke Aizen. You can call me Mr Sosuke if you like. I'll be teaching you English."

English had always been my favourite subject. And a few years ago I made a conclusion that every teacher who teaches English is gonna be a pretty cool teacher. So far, I haven't been proven wrong.

I was cursing myself for not just liking someone, but a teacher. I was gonna be there temporarily. I wasn't planning to go to a college in Japan! Now, I was sure I was going to go back with that stupid feeling of yearning. I'll just have to distance myself! Yeah, and not get myself too involved with him.

"Any questions?" he adjusted his glasses.

Someone raised their hand. It was the orange-haired guy. I think his name was related to strawberries or something.

Something in Mr Sosuke's eyes glinted, and a smile came onto his lips, but something was off, "Yes?"

"What are you doing here?" Strawberry's hand formed a fist. His tone was crossed. And his question didn't sound complete. It sounded like he had a lot more to say.

"Ho? You're a verbal one," Aizen chuckled, which sent shivers down my spine. It didn't sound like a friendly chuckle. I looked around the classroom. No one else was distressed by it? Maybe I'm just imagining things. "Simple. I'm here to teach. To educate all of you."

The tone of his voice was unsettling. I didn't know why Orihime was so freaked out about him earlier, but now I was beginning to understand. My heart sped up and my head was confused, trying to register if that was caused by the tension in the air or my feelings for him.

Strawberry looked away, "Tch," he sat back down in his chair, mumbling something to himself.

I adjusted my glasses, the tension in the air causing me discomfort. I looked at Mr Sosuke. He kept his eyes on Strawberry. And it shifted to Orihime, then to a black-haired girl. A smirk was present on his mouth.

I've read enough novels to identify this guy wasn't considered the good guy. Huh, now my attraction towards him makes sense. Though, I should be careful.

"Well, if there isn't any more question, let's start the lesson, shall we?" he spoke and many female voices respond. I kept my mouth shut, looking around the classroom. The trio, Strawberry, Orihime and the black-haired girl, exchanged looks with each other.

Strawberry motioned his hand up, mouthing 'meeting'. The two nodded in agreement. I shook my head, I shouldn't be sticking my nose into someone else's business! I shift my focus back to the teacher at the front.

It's only the second day. I reminded myself, looking out the window. Seeing all the trees in a gentle shade of green. All the plants were blooming since it was only April. Plus, my birthday wasn't so far away. Even though I never experienced seasons, spring was automatically my favourite.

Focus on the lesson! I placed my focus back on the lesson, seeing Mr Sosuke writing on the blackboard, explaining how to pronounce 'r' and 'l's correctly.

A Normal Transfer Student [Bleach Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now