"She did mine," Rayne piped up. "She's super sweet," Kay shot Rayne a smile.

"This is supposed to be a fair trial," Kay teased. She looked over at Jimin and winked. "You're in good hands love, don't worry,"

"We'll be here when you get out," Yoongi added before mentioning for him to enter the room. Jimin nodded, said goodbye to them and slipped into the studio with Kay, letting the door shut behind him.

"He's gonna be okay, right?" Taehyung mumbled nervously.

"Of course he is," Rayne stated confidently. "Jimin's a strong, independent and hard working person. He's got this!"

Rayne, Taehyung, Jungkook and Jin all stood outside the studio patiently for Jimin to return. While they would have loved to of stayed with them, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi did have a company to run and left to do their respective jobs.

After a half hour of waiting, Rayne had stressed chewed her nails to the point that she'd have to get them redone, Jin had messed his hair up to the point of no return and Jungkook and Tae had fallen asleep as they hadn't slept much the previous night. They were nervous too. They wanted Jimin to do great. They'd practiced with him non stop and they couldn't deny that Jimin had a lot of talent. He could sing in perfect harmony with Jungkook, and with Tae. He could dance fantastically. The two often joked about whether or not he could take on the dance king Hoseok himself.

It was nearing eleven o'clock when Kimi popped over to say hello. She had wanted to know how it went, but they had no news yet. She nodded and told them to keep her posted.

After an hour of sitting outside, the studio door opened and Kay came out, clipboard in hand. She had a dazed sort of look on her face. "Well?" Jin questioned her the moment she shut the door. "How'd it go?"

"Did he do a good job?" Rayne piped up.

Kay blinked once or twice before snapping out of her daze.

"He has such a pretty voice," Kay explained. "I could literally listen to him sing all day,"

There was a mini round of cheers between the four friends.

"So he did good?" Jungkook questioned, crossing his fingers in the air.

"He did really good. But of course you all know it doesn't just work like that. He made it through this audition, next step is to get a call back,"

"But he was good enough for you to consider it?"

"Yes, Taehyung, he was good enough. Now if you'll excuse me, I several other auditions to attend to," Kay waved them goodbye and made down the hall towards another studio. Rayne wasted no time in yanking open the studio door and barging inside in search for her best friend. She found him lying in the middle of the room, panting.

"You did it!" Jin screeched, scaring poor Jimin into sitting up, hands clutching at his rapidly beating heart.

"Oh my god you scared me," Jimin painted, gazing up at Jin with wide eyes.

"Oops, sorry. I'm just excited,"

"You did it you did it you did it!" Jungkook chanted, tackling him into a bear hug the two landed back on the floor with a thud.

"Jungkook let him breathe!" Taehyung laughed, trying to pry the younger off it.

"Well I couldn't have done it without you two. You're really the whole reason I succeeded."

"Oh stop it, I'm blushing," Tae mumbled, turning as red as Jimin's hair.

"I mean it. And you too Jin."

"Oh hush," but Jin was turning red too.

"What am I, chopped liver?" Rayne teased, pulling Jimin in for another, yet more gentle, hug.

"Thank you," Jimin told her. "For everything,"

"You're welcome, Jimin.

The five of the sat around the studio a little while longer, sharing their excitement that Jimin could possibly become a trainee. While it wasn't said, the four were really hoping that of he did pass, and got in, Yoongi would wedge him into their group. They had a ways to go before they actually debuted, and were crossing their fingers that he'd be their fifth member. There had been talk before of possibly adding a newer member and now all they had to do was wait.

As the clock neared noon, Jimin stood up. "Where are you going?" Rayne questioned.

"As much as I love talking to you guys, I still have a job remember?" Jimin said with a giggle. "I can't just sit around on my ass, I help make this place run. I need to get Yoongi a cup of coffee,"

"Let the man get his own damn coffee," Rayne grumbled with a pout. "We're celebrating!"

"How about we rain check until this evening. We can go out and celebrate after work?" Jimin suggested.

"Oooh!" Jin squealed, getting all excited. "Dinner, my place, seven o'clock sharp. Dress fancy!"

"Sounds like a plan to me,"

"Yes!" Jungkook cheered. "I love your food!"

Jimin said goodbye with the promise that he'd be their for dinner and quickly exited the studio. He dashed down the hall, and into the elevator.

The sun was shining brightly as he made his way across the street towards the cafe. The barista behind the bar didn't even have to wait for him to enter, she already had his order sitting on the counter. He thanked her, paid and then hurried back across the street.

Upon entering Yoongi's office, he was greeted with the familiar faces of Kimi, Namjoon, Hoseok and of course, his boyfriend who were all staring at him. "So..." Hoseok began, with a grin. "How'd it go?"

A/N: I don't know if I explained it well enough in my last little breaking news segment, so I'm just going to touch upon it again and try to say it in a non confusing way so that it isn't a confusing matter later in the story.
I mentioned that Yoongi kept Jimin's name out of the press. So, while the world knows that he's dating his secretary, people don't know his (Jimin) name or what he looks like. I want to have it come up later in the story where people are later shocked to learn who Yoongi's dating (i.e what he looks like)
I'm sorry if this more confusing, my point it that nobody knows what Yoongi's boyfriend looks like other than the people he works with. Jimin's name isn't in the press, there's no pictures of the two of them together.

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