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I feel them running down my face

As I slowly,so slowly slip away

How can one person affect me so

Make me cry tears as soft as snow

Make me shed tears as hard as ice

All at the same time saying they love me?

How could that possibly be true

Because if that's what love is, I feel sorry for every last one of you

You're supposed to love me unconditionally, right?

I guess I didn't know that unconditionally was actually

"Only if you're perfect,alright"

The December before last

I had finally decided

That that perfect girl you wanted me to be

Just was never going to be me

It all changed then

Changed with me

While I feel so free

I feel desperate for you to love me

Well, I'm giving up.

Because you're love is just pain in disguise

And my life is now darker than the darkest night

Thank you.

Really, you've just taught me a good lesson

Never assume that someone should love you

And never believe that they actually do.

I'll never say I don't love you.

I do.

And I'm not trying to screw up your life

But I'm a mistake

And I don't fit.into your plan

Don't schedule me in where I don't belong

Just let me go.

Because if I pretend to be your image of me much longer

You won't have to worry about having a daughter.

Isabelle's Poetry Journal (a continuation of Homesick Angel)Where stories live. Discover now