When you held me

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I never sit still, not for long

I always have to be moving or I feel uncomfortable

But when you held me, I was still

When you wrapped your arms around me, I melted into you

When you kissed my head at night and said go to sleep, I never moved.

When you'd hold me during my nightmares, I stopped shaking

When you said you loved me, I smiled.

When you held me, everything was okay.

And now that you can't hold me anymore, I move constantly.

Now that your not there at night, keeping me warm

I lost it.

No one can hold me now, because I don't want to be held.

I miss you so damn much.

My love, my love.

If you can see me now I'm not the same
I have changed.

I love you, and your tombstone won't ever be enough for me.

Without you here by my side,

It's too dark at night..

Isabelle's Poetry Journal (a continuation of Homesick Angel)Where stories live. Discover now