He pushed everyone away

Created fights with the ones who tried to stay

No one realized he was doing it on purpose

Until one night

Until the night

The night he jumped

His broken mangled body

Lying on the ground

With a note in his hand

"The sky looks really pretty up here

I'm sorry I pushed you all away

But this decision was a long time coming

So I was just trying not to hurt you

And to my princess,

My beautiful princess you deserved so much better

Better than a prince who wanted to be dead

Please, all of the words I said on our last night

When you were crying

None of them were true

Please dont let my false words do that to you

The sky looked really pretty up there

You should see it sometime

You'd love it

Because of all the different blues you'd find

Please my princess, Grant me one last wish

Forget about me

Don't talk about me , don't go to my grave
Please princess, I don't want you to not be okay

Anyways I should go,

I hear you calling my phone right now

Just know , this was no one's fault

I was too broken to be fixed

Too far gone to be brought back

Too deep to be saved"

His princess looked at the note

She was the one who found him gone

And she didn't cry a tear

Because he'd taken all of the tears with him

She just took the note and called 911

And she went home

Already gone

She drank liquid bleach

And topped it with pills

And she laid down thinking of him

Her prince

"You had no idea, did you?" She said to herself

"Just how much I loved you

I'm coming to find you

I will always follow you

My dark, handsome prince"

And with that her eyes fluttered shut

She never woke up

Isabelle's Poetry Journal (a continuation of Homesick Angel)Where stories live. Discover now