So about a year it two ago I named depression Bob.
You know, that little voice in your head?
That's so unlike you?
It's a guy for me because that's all a guy has done to me is criticize me and put me down.
Bob was just the most generic name I could think of.
Bob hates me.
Or most of the time.
He builds me up.
Let's me be happy for a few days
And those few days I feel so free
And then I remember he's eventually going to come back
And he does
And he's meaner.
Bob is quite cruel
Second worst got I've met.
No, third.
Bob , can you leave me alone tonight?
I'm over my cousins to try and be happy
And I'd really appreciate it.

Isabelle's Poetry Journal (a continuation of Homesick Angel)Where stories live. Discover now