What if I ....

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What if I told you I wanted to die?
What if I told you "I believe you" was a lie?
What if I said that nothing was the truth
What if I said that I have a plan to be dead.
I can't sit on my roof
Or run
Or read
Or stare at the ceiling anymore
I want to go so badly
I need to go so badly
I'm afraid no one can talk me out of it anymore
I know it'll hurt people
And that this is selfish
But I can't take broken anymore
I can't take numb
And empty
I can't take the fact that I have die carved into my leg
And constantly in my brain
I can't take cutting
And trading pain for pain
I can't take it
I can't
What your reading is the journal of a broken girl
And a ghost
Because soon enough ill be gone
And this will be what is left.
Stay safe loves
I don't matter.
Just .... forget

Isabelle's Poetry Journal (a continuation of Homesick Angel)Where stories live. Discover now