Hearts These Days

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Ive known you for forever

And I fell for you hard

Thnking you'd never break my heart

but here I am , crying

over things you said

guess I learned my lesson

Never fall in love with someone who wants to be dead

Because you cant fix them

or at least I couldnt

maybe you'll have a better chance

Cause they loved someone

that I wasnt

I was simply a rebound


So here I am, once again

With a stupid, fucked up heart

And a knife in my back

Crying not because I just lost my girlfriend

But because I just lost a friend

We may not have dated long,

But we've been friends forever

And I'm laughing a bitter laugh

Because now I know he was all you loved

And I really regret not saying I'm sorry

But I guess sorry won't fix much now, will it love?

So ill just keep writing my broken heart out until it's healed

Because you never really realize how much you truly miss someone

Until you want to talk to them and realize they aren't there

Isabelle's Poetry Journal (a continuation of Homesick Angel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant