Chapter Twenty Eight

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My mate is beautiful; he's handsome in every sense of the word. I was definitely in one of my usual dreams. His face is close to mine, his eyes a piercing green, his thick lashes framing them. Why did he have longer lashes than me? His eyes look tired, dark circles under his eyes as if he hadn't slept in days. But he mostly looked drained with the wrinkles at the corner of his eyes looking more pronounced.

He didn't look as healthy as he was the last time I saw him. His facial hair was overgrowing, a beard showing. He definitely looked rough, but it suited him. It was like a sexy kind of rugged. My eyes are drawn to his lips that are plump and a dark pink, inviting and so very... enticing.

I suck a deep breath in. A wave of need crashes over me and I have to tear my eyes off that one area but then another part of him has me lingering. The skin on the side of his neck, neck vein throbbing, has me gulping. I wanted a bite, it looked so good.

"Eva?" Dream Adonis' voice was very sexy. The low tones and huskiness are hot and I find my need for him escalating.

"Yes..." I murmur, only concentrating on his lips. When was he going to kiss me? Usually, my dreams were a lot more fast-paced than this.

"Eva. Is that really you?" His face comes closer but not close enough.

"Mhmm..." I can't focus on anything but his lips. I want to claim them and push my body against his. I wanted him more than ever.

"Eva. Are you okay?" Dream Adonis never talked this much. Why hadn't he started to kiss me already? The need for him begins to frustrate me. I just wanted him to give me what I wanted. And it didn't seem like he was going to do that.

I go to move my hands to grab his face, but the restraint of a shackle stops any movement. I look to see what was blocking me. My hands are cuffed to the headboard. Well... this was new for dream Adonis. He wasn't usually this kinky but, I was always open to new things.

I grin, finding it a bit funny but the look on his face makes me drop my smile just as quick. His face is void of colour and he looks so tired. The worry on his features is a little frightening. He looked very serious. I was beginning to get confused.

The question he had thrown at me finally registers. Am I okay? Obviously I was okay. I was stuck in a dream with my sexy mate, what more could I have asked for? The expression on his face is unchanging and I begin to rethink it all. He never asked me questions in dreams like these. Well, he never really talked in them, they were more handsy and action-based.

I blink a few times, realising that I can see the black behind my eyelids. I wouldn't be able to blink in a dream.

Was this...? I look at my mate intensely. The tiredness in his face and the worry begins to register properly.

The realisation is sudden. The blood from my face rushes out fast and it all comes crashing down on me quickly. This was reality? It wasn't a dream?

My mate was really in front of me. Adonis. This close. He was real. It wasn't a dream.

I was dumbfounded and awestruck. My mouth parts, my mouth dry as I look at him. My body was reacting as if I was seeing him for the first time with the way my stomach fluttered. I try to gulp down the flurry of emotions.

"Why am I in handcuffs?" My question is met with silence. His expression changes almost instantaneously. His eyes widen and the worry disappears, relief covering his features. He grabs a key from a drawer and begins to unlock the cuffs. His body looms over mine and I can feel his body heat, my pheromones beginning to go haywire.

The cuffs unlock with a click and he stands up and I follow. As soon as I gain my footing I make my first move, overcome with emotion.

I wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself closer to him, hugging him tightly. The connection is instant and melatonin fuels my body. There were so many things that I needed to say to him, everything that was left unsaid. The main one being my feelings. I had never felt so intensely for someone before and I wanted to tell him.

He reciprocates the hug, which makes my heart bloom. We stand there for what felt like a few seconds but it was definitely a lot longer than that. My eyes are caught on to a weird object. I pull away from the hug, confused.

There's a ball gag on the bedside cabinet. What on Earth was that doing there?

"First handcuffs and then.. that." I point to the gag, seeing the humour in it and grin, "Kinky. I like it."

Adonis's face turns an intense red and he opens and closes his mouth to reply but then just grabs it and hides it in a drawer. "That wasn't..." His voice trails off.

I laugh in response only to stop midway. I was so focused on my mate that I don't notice the heaviness of my arm. The pounding pain in a few areas makes itself known. I look down at my arms. They are wrapped in thick bandages so thick that I probably looked like I was an escaped mummy from Egypt.

Moving my neck down to look at my arms creates shooting pain on the side of my neck. I feel the area, confused. It felt rough. What had happened whilst I was unconscious? The last thing I remembered was training with my brother. My fingers brush against what felt like indentations. I gently poke at it, pain presenting itself. Was I bitten?

I look around the room for a mirror, but there isn't a single one on the wall.

"Where's your phone?" My mate grimaces before delving his hand in his pocket and reluctantly passing me his phone. His notifications are brim, but I ignore them and open up the camera feature. The sight of my face almost makes me forget what I opened the app for. I looked hideous. But now wasn't the time to focus on that.

I tilt the camera and take a few pictures of my neck, opening up the photos. There is a large fresh bite mark that was turning purple, right in the middle of my neck. I realise what it was in an instance. My chest falls and rises quickly and everything around me stops for a second.

I look up at my mate in disbelief, hoping that I wasn't correct. "Did you... mark me?"

 mark me?"

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