Chapter Twenty Four

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I know that I should go for a run and let my wolf out, but she had been quiet for the past two weeks. She had been resting a lot the past two weeks and I figured she would be way too tired for a run. It was much easier to run in vampire form, but even that was too much sometimes. Pulling any sort of power from my vampire would tire me and my wolf. So sometimes it was easier not to, but Lukas would go on about how I wasn't using everything I had. He wanted to see my full potential.

We were in the middle of training, two hours in and fatigue was beginning to settle in my bones. My injuries were increasing by the second, but I'm tired and the addictive pull of energy pulsates in my chest. It's waiting for me to release it, but I'm hesitating because the strength of it felt like it could knock me out for days after. It pulsates and it can easily finish this one-to-one combat I was in. But... I wasn't sure.

"Come on. You can do better than that." Lukas spits out and I turn to look at him with sweat dripping down my forehead. He was using his annoying, patronising tone, which I hated. I wasn't going to leave anything behind now.

The dark energy somehow pulsates stronger, it was as if it knew that I was going to release it. I'm fully immersed in the aura, addicted to the feeling, knowing that the rush was going to be intensely satisfying. There was no way that I wasn't going to release it. The potent nature of it reminds me of the time in the large hall with Adonis. It was the same itching that I had let free, which caused me to unleash hell. Sudden black tendrils begin to claim my iris. My mind isn't fast enough to realise that it was something new. I was too high on the thought of the rush.

My heart slows as I claim the power. The bloodlust that rushes through with the claim nearly knocks me off my feet. The surge of darkness is enough. It's the hit that my body needed to finish me. My vision goes dark.


{Third Person}

"Are you ready now?" Lukas wanted more out of training, but to him, it seemed like Eva wasn't taking it seriously. He needed to push her limits and see how much damage she could cause.

"Born ready." There is a sinister look in Eva's eyes as she smirks. If Lukas had paid attention, he would've realised that her eyes were practically onyx black with a red rim. It was the first time her eyes had turned that colour.

Lukas begins the fight, using his vampire speed to run at her and try to land a punch but Eva's speed kicks in and she moves to the side faster than he realised. Again, if Lukas was concentrating he would've seen the after-effects of the dark energy she was pulling. There are dark, black tendrils that lightly smoke out of her when she pulls energy. But Lukas was focusing more on his next move.

Lukas played the attacker and Eva defended his every move. He was beginning to tire out, which never happened to him. Eva had casually defended all his attacks, for over half an hour. She looked as if she hadn't even broken a sweat. At points, Lukas swore that he saw her smirk and grin. This was the first fight that they were having that he didn't manage to get a single hit in.

Lukas was impressed. She had quickly surpassed his level. Even though the rapid improvement was a little confusing, he just thought it was because she was able to use her wolf and her vampire's abilities both at the same time. Lukas' thoughts run wild. If she could best him in a fight, then she could do well against a Lycan.

Lycans to wolves were like Immortals to vampires. And Lycans and Immortals had strong enmity. Whenever any of them came across each other, there was bound to be destruction. Lukas' arms are like jelly. He stops his attacks and stands still. It was time to call it a day. He needed to recuperate and fight harder tomorrow.

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