Chapter Eighteen

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A sudden splitting pain comes over me. I push Adonis away and clutch at my head, my body shaking as pain curls within my gut. My vision is blurred, and I can barely hear what Adonis is saying over the rush of all my senses clashing together. My blood convulses within me and in an instant, I'm latched onto his neck. For the second time today.

My fangs sink deep into his skin and I'm unable to stop myself. The need and desire to feed off him is overpowering. As soon as the addictive taste of his blood hits my tongue, I suck. The rush of his blood slipping down my throat is intense. My thirst was still there and no matter how much blood I drink, it still isn't quenched. I can feel Adonis' body shake. The surge of strength that I get from his blood fills my whole body.

"Eva... Stop." I can barely hear him, but I can't stop. A growl erupts from him and I can feel his chest vibrate.

A large knocking sound brings me back to my senses. I stop and move back. As soon as I let go, Adonis collapses into a heap on the floor. My vision is red and blurred and it takes me a few seconds to register what had just happened. My body stills when I realise what I had just done.

His neck is tainted red and blood pours out of his wound before he wraps his hand around it. He looks ragged and weak. I had already fed off him before; to feed off him again was just murder. A heaving sob breaks out from my chest. The pain of knowing I had done this is intense. My body shakes and I can feel my tears, hot and salty mixed with the taste of his blood, as they rush down my face, hitting the corner of my mouth.

The door handle rattles and the pounding of the knocking gets louder.

The incessant sound of my brother breaks in, "EVA! Why are you not opening the door?" My breaths quicken and it's like the oxygen in the room is decreasing by the second. I can't breathe. My breaths shorten and I begin to panic. How could I have just done that? I'm frozen, staring at the body of my mate curled on the phone. My thoughts begin to race harder and my heart is hammering inside my body. It's like all the air in the room had been sucked out. I'm stuck in a whirlwind. It was like I was still stuck in that vision and I was Adelina who had just lost her child. The pain is intense.

"Eva, look at me." I can barely hear my brother's words. He stands in front of me and blocks my vision of Adonis. I look at him in panic, unable to form the words to tell him to help Adonis. His eyes flash red and he stares right into my eyes, as a form of reassurance, "He'll be okay." I'm hiccupping and crying, as he continues to reassure me. Eventually, he calms me enough that I'm only sniffling.

"You should come back and get the help you need in our kingdom. It's where you really belong." Belong? My place was besides Adonis, my mate, but the damage I had done was too much for my conscience. What if I killed him the next time?

"I'll go."

"No..." Adonis' voice is weak, but I can still hear him. My heart aches at having to go away from him, but I was doing this for him. If I stayed, I would never be able to forgive myself if I hurt him again. The pain of knowing that I had hurt my mate is already unbearable but the thought of hurting him again weighs my soul down.

"Look what I've done to you." My voice cracks. "I have to go." I stay where I'm stood, even though I'm itching to move forward and nurse his wounds. I could never be able to trust myself around him, not until I got what was wrong with me sorted out.

I can see the hurt in his eyes and the only emotion that spreads through my body is regret. He would never have gotten hurt if I had gone back with my father instead of with him. I had done this.

"Don't leave. I just found you." My heart throbs and I want to persuade myself to stay just because of his words, but I shake my head and stand my ground.

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