Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Adonis' POV:

My body is buzzing. There's a certain calming sensation that cocoons me and gives me ease. I can feel my entire body relax. It's like an order had finally been brought upon the chaos that was my life. I had never felt so connected with my wolf than I did right now. I can feel him at the back of my mind. It's like the heavy burden on my mind is gone and now I felt considerably lighter, and somehow more powerful than I had ever felt before.

The guilt and loneliness that had weighed on my soul, since the death of my family is lighter. My wolf is quiet, which is a change compared to his usual incessant growling. I can feel my pulse humming but... I'm missing something. Something that I knew I needed for my heart to feel full and whole.

My eyesight adjusts, and I realise that I'm in an empty hospital room. A sharp pang of pain cuts through me, originating from the side of my neck. I feel the area of pain, my fingers brushing over the small bite marks. Eva... Where was she? My blood runs cold as I remember her tear-stained cheeks and the reaction the elders gave on her secret being uncovered. And when she was dying of thirst they had tried to stop me from giving my blood, their intentions clear.

Fear of the unknown taunts me and I pull the covers off the bed and get up, my fast pace pulling the sticky electrodes off my body, making a machine to the side begin to beep loudly. My wolf begins to incite more fear, with his anxiety prodding me at the back of my mind. He had a weird infatuation with the hybrid woman. She frustrated me to no end, but I knew that if anyone had even laid a single finger on her I was going to kill them.

Rage begins to encircle itself within me, the anger heating my shirtless torso as the cold air hits me. The door opens as soon as the electrodes disconnect and a nurse rushes in. She sees the rage on my face and her steps slightly stumble, as she stutters, "A-Alpha."

I interrupt her, not wanting to waste any time. "Do you know where Eva is?" Her face looks frozen, so I begin to describe her. "About this height." I show her with one of my hands, "She has brown hair, high cheekbones, full lips with a small gap between her front teeth." The nurse's face is still frozen, her mouth parted as if she wasn't following. I stop talking, realising I was going to get nowhere. An aggravated growl slips through my mouth, which forces her to take a step back whilst flinching.


People stopped and stared at my presence, but I carry on following her scent. I am pulled towards a set of large doors, where a couple of warriors stand guard outside. They are blocking my entry. "Open the door." A deep growl rumbles from my chest. They look nervous, "We can't, Alpha." I glare at the one that replies. My heart stops as a sudden loud snarl reaches my ears. That was Eva. What was happening?

I step forward, my wolf making an appearance once again. My claws elongate, and my canines grow. One of the guards steps to the side, but the other stands his ground, which didn't work in his favour. My chest rumbles as I step forward, knocking him off his feet.

I push the doors open. They make a loud resounding bang as they hit the wall, which makes everyone stop in their tracks. My chest rises and falls as power coils through my body, looking at the countless vampires that surrounded her.

My wolf is restless. He wants all of their heads in a large pile. I expose my canines and let out a low, loud, rumbling growl, my tone enlaced with my dominance and power.

As soon as my gaze connects with hers, every atom of every cell in my body is alive and bursting with bliss and euphoria. My wolf suddenly becomes silent and his growling stops.

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