Chapter 37

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Yuki POV

"Ahhh! Kawaii!" Nejire pulled Eri's hair into two cute pigtails. Mr Aizawa calls the eight of us outside and the big three were there already, "It looks like Eri was abandoned by her parents and the head of the Shie Hasaikai who's related to her by blood has been in a coma for a long time, so she currently has nowhere to go." Mr Aizawa says, "And you might have already hear from Mr Aizawa, but the horn Eri's quirk is released from," Mirio points to his forehead, "Yeah I've heard, it's gotten a lot smaller now and is fine now," Kirishima says, "It's starting to get bigger again," Mirio continues, "Wait, so what do we do?" I ask Mr Aizawa, he nods, "So that's why we're looking after her instead of sending her to an orphanage, we'll watch her from the teacher dorms, we'll see how she is and help her find a way to live with such a strong power. There are things we need to check too, anyway, we're taking things step-by-step. You eight, go back inside the dorms, you have guests." He finishes, we nod, "Bye Mirio! Bye Tama-nii!" We wave them goodbye, "Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait, Wait. You're telling me you managed to be able to call Amajiki Tamaki in under an hour?! I've been with him for a week and he won't let me mention his first name!" Kirishima shakes my shoulders I laugh, "Tama-nii's pretty anxious when you think about it," We laugh and head inside. 

"Achoo!" Tokoyami sneezes, "Sick? Are you ok?" Ochako asks him, "No, I'm fine, my mucus membrane was just doing it's thing" He replies, "Your mucus what?" I look over the couch, "Maybe someone was talking about you~" Karma snickers, we head to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, "Oh please, come in," We hear Shoji say, "I wonder who it is, we better go say hi," I say to Karma, "Ok, ok, let me just get my cup of water," He grins, we walk out, "KARMA! YUKI!" Kota jumps up on us spilling the water on my shirt, "O-oh Kota!" We both light up, "S-sorry..." He mutters, I wave my hands and pass Kota into Karma's arms, "I'll just quickly change, no big!" Kota smirks, "Watch this!" He manipulates the water out of my shirt and back into my glass, "Wow Kota! You really worked on your quirk, that's my boy!" Karma smirks, I groan and shake my head, "Karma, he's not our kid, and stop smirking, both of you' it's creepy, you guys look identical," The three of us laugh, Mina squeals in the background and quickly snaps a picture, "Family Goals!" She screams, the three of us blushing bright red, Mandalay laughs, "Look Akabane, Karasuma, he picked them out himself," He points at Kota's shoes, he quickly scrambles out of Karma's grip and flails his arms about, "N-no!" He was even redder, he picked a pair of grey combat boots, just like ours, I smile and kneel down, "Now we match!" He smiles and quickly hops on my back, I give him a piggyback, "But wait, why are you back at UA?" Sato offers them tea, "We just wanted to let you know we're back in business!" Pixie Bob gives us a thumbs up, "You are?" Iida exclaims, "Congratulations!" Momo claps her hands together, "Ragdoll, you too? I thought because your quirk was stolen, you were out of operation?" Izuku asks, "It's not back, I'll be doing office work to support the other three. Office Lady Cat!" She pretends to type, we were all just relieved she was back safe and in one piece. "They're still trying to pin down All for One, just how many and what quirks is he hiding? Currently, not letting him do anything is the only way to contain him." Pixie Bob says ominously, "Then how come you're starting up again now?" Nagisa asks, "This will be announced later, but for the Japanese Hero Billboard Chart, we were ranked 411 in the second half of the year," Mandalay points out. "But you guys were 32nd last time?" Izuku mutters, "I see, you're raising your ranking!" I point my finger up at Kota, tickling him. "No meow! How we still are in the three digits even though we haven't done any hero work?" Ragdoll pops up, "The approval rating component gave us a boost," Tiger continues, "There are still people waiting for us," Pixie Bob smiles, "We can't just stand still!" Ragdoll runs forward, "That's the Pussycats, that's so manly, Wild, Wild Pussycats!" Kirishima cries manly tears, "We need to be heading to Class B's dorm house now, bye-bye! Come on Kota!" Mandalay gestures, he shakes his head and grips tighter on my shirt, "Well, maybe if you could come back for Kota after you say hello to 1-B?" I ask, Mandalay sighs, "Oh Kota, you're such a hassle," She nods and the four of them head out. "So Kota! Wha have you been up to?!" Mina jumps up snatching him off my back, "Nothing..." He mutters angrily as a hero took him away, he fights his way out of Mina's grip and joins Karma and I on the couch, squishing him in between us, "So little man, have you been swinging around that knife I gave you?" Karma smirks, he lights up, "Yeah! Yeah! Can we fight! Please!" He was bouncing up and down on the couch, "Hey, that isn't fair, he was a full 180 when I was holding him." Mina pouts I laugh patting her back, "Don't think much of it, he's only six," I sweatdrop, "Well show me what you've got!" Karma stands up, I facepalm, "Please don't do anything crazy, he's only six," I face the two of them as they take a stance in the common room, everyone was cheering and forming a circle around them. "Kota! Karma! Kota! Karma! Kota! Karma!" Everyone was chanting, "GO!" Mina yells. They charge at each other with their Koro-Sensei knives, Karma lifts him up above his head, hooking Kota's over his shoulders making him flop upside down against Karma's back "Haha! Gotcha!" He was wriggling out of Karma's grasp but then Kota grins, "Take this!" He sprays water to the Back of Karma's head, "Ok, ok, you win." He lets him down back on the ground, "Kota! Kota! Kota!" The circle cheers lifting him up in victory, my phone rings. "Sorry, I'll take this real quick," I answer, "Hi dad, what do you want?" I hear a sigh from the other side, "You and Karma are going to need to go to space again... apparently they've got more intel on the octopus," I squeal, and nod aggressively, like he can even see, "Oh course!" He chuckles, "Ok, we'll pick you guys up around noon tomorrow," I was getting really riled up, "Ok! Love youuuu!" He laughs, "Love you too," We hand up I run into the common room screaming in joy, I hop onto Karma's shoulder, still screaming, "What's wrong Peaches? The only time I see you like this is when there a bug in your room, bonus points if it's a spider. Where is it?" He raises an eyebrow, I shake my head quickly, "We're going to space tomorrow!!" I lean back, he quickly backs up so I don't fall off, "What do you mean Yuki?" Kota walks up, I get off Karma's shoulder, "Tomorrow, Karma and I are going to space! We're going to hijack another spaceship and blast away!" I use my hand as an imaginary rocket, he lights up, "T-that's awesome!" I nod and we both run around like idiots, pretending to be rockets, "You're not really going to space right? You can't just hijack a spaceship?" Mina walks up to Karma, "Nope, she's dead serious, we've already gone once, we probably need to go to the space station again to get more info on that octopus," Karma smirks flipping his knife around in his hands, "When are we going?" Nagisa walks up to me, "Tomorrow, noon!" He was shocked, "So soon! You better get to bed and get a good night's rest!" He was trying to make me go to bed, "No! I can stay awake forever!" I was dancing around the room with Kota. The door opens, "Kota! Time to go!" Mandalay sticks her head in our dorm house, "No! I wanna stay! I wanna stay with Karma and Yuki!" He pouts, she shakes her head, "Come on, don't make things difficult for Class A, let's head back to the forest, I'll even get you a new toy~" She tries to bribe him, he doesn't budge and latches onto Karma's trousers, "Come on bud, you need to go home, after all, who's going to be able to kick ass without some rest!" Karma pretends to punch the air, he shakes his head, Karma sighs, then lights up, "Hey! Let me grab something real quick!" He dips into his room and hides something behind his back, Kota was trying to look behind him but Karma kept turning so he couldn't see, "Promise if I give you this present, you'll go with Mandalay? Yuki and I will visit you anytime you want!" Kota thinks but nods, "Here you go then!" Karma crouches down and drapes his issued uniform over Kota's shoulder, I grin and step up to the two of them, leaning on Karma, "Six layers of kevlar, government-issued material goods. You can't find a jacket quite as strong or unique as his," I smile, he inspected it, he had stars in his eyes, he quickly puts it on, pulling the hood on and pretending to sneak around, "Ok Kota! You have Akabane-Kun's present now, remember your deal!" He pouts and starts walking to Mandalay, right when they were about to leave he quickly turns around and hugs both our legs, "Thanks... you guys are the best, you're like the parents I had lost, you care for me and look after me, I-I love you..." He squishes his face into our legs, I feel wetness, he just be crying, I smile and crouch down, "You know Kota, you're going to be a great hero one day. Karma and I could never replace your parents, they were amazing heroes! I'm sure you'll follow in their footsteps." I hug him tight, Karma ruffles his hair, "Peaches is right, we might not be your parents but we'll look after you bud. If you ever need us, remember, just call our names and we'll come running," He gives a genuine smile, Kota looks up and nods, "Ok then. Bye Class A! I promise I'll be back at UA, to become a hero!" He puts his fist up, we all nod, Mandalay having tears at the corner of her eyes, 'thank you' she mouths at me and Karma, we nod our heads and they disappear out the door. "Hey man! That's no fair! You just gave a six-year-old kid your government-grade uniform and you haven't even let me touch that thing! Every time I even eye it, you punch me hard on the head and where the sun doesn't shine!" Denki cries while shaking Karma's shoulder, he just sticks his tongue out and shrugs.

"Hey~ What was that about? The parent thing?" Mina wiggles her eyebrows, I push her gently, "Leave me aloneeee, it's embarrassing, we're only sixteen!" I bury my face in a pillow, I feel her shake my shoulder, "Cute family huh?" She asks the rest of the class, they all nod their heads, I was even redder now, "I feel awkward, I'm going to bed." I chuckle and head out to the dorm quarters, "Goodnight!" I wave them off, "Goodnight!" They reply back.

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