Chapter 7

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Yuki POV

We were getting ready for the cavalry battle, I wanted to go on the top so they allowed me, "How fun! Kunigigaoka never had events like this, the only 'sport' we did with the main campus was when Asano challenged you to pole toppling which you guys smoked him in," I say while tieing the headband up, "Yeah that looked like so much fun, it wasn't fair that they didn't allow us, girls, to participate," Kaede pouts, I nod my head dramatically in agreement. "Oh goodie! Let's get this started!" Everyone starts getting into position, our goal was to just basically run away, with this many points, we are safe, we don't even need to steal points, "Ready guys! LET'S DO THIS!" BEEP! Everyone started charging at us, "This is child's play, I can keep this up all day." Karma smirks. We were deflecting off all their attacks, "Stupid Takaoka made us to training non-stop for 6 hours! I think a 30-minute battle is a piece of cake," Kaede shouts, "What? This is amazing, Team Karasuma is taking all the teams down easily, with just their hand to hand combat! They can't use their arms and they're still in the league! WICKED!" I chuckle at Present Mic's comment, I see someone in the corner of my eye, "Sorry pal, you've got to try harder than that, if it comes to reflexes, detection skills and visual acuity, you can't beat me or Karma, we're the top of our class," I say with a smirk, holding Hagakure's arm, "WOW! AMAZING! JUST WHAT QUIRKS DO THESE FOUR HAVE! AWESOME!" Present Mic's voice booms through the stadium "W-what? How?" I point at her forehead, "WHAT!" I poke my tongue out, "sorry, it's dog eat dog here." he pouts and her team walk away, everyone decided they weren't making any leeway to get to our band so they decided to go after each other's, "You know, it's pretty peaceful when you don't have to worry about your band, after all, I've got 3-E's best under me right now!" I pat each one of their heads, Karma, drooling a little bit, "What's that Karma?" Nagisa points at the corner of his lip." "N-nothing!" I chuckle, "He has a weird thing, every time I pet his head, he gets all sloppy and is like putty in my hands." I furiously pet his head and ruffle his hair, his face was redder and redder as we speak, "G-get off!" I giggle, "Ok, only because I need your skills to protect my head right now." He huffs.

" He huffs

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"AND TIMES UP!" BEEP! I climb off Nagisa, Kaede and Karma. "We won!" 

"Man those four students from 1-A are unstoppable! What amazing power they're showing! They haven't even activated their quirks!" we smirk, 'we don't even have one, but we have the skills to take you all down' we all thought. "The teams who will advance are Team Bakugou, Team Todoroki, Team Shinso, Team Midoriya and Team Karasuma!" the crowd applauds us and shout our names. There was an interlude, those who were advancing could take the time to prepare for their matches, or calm down before. 

"First match! We have Hitoshi Shinso vs. Yuki Karasuma!" I smirk and walk out onto the field. I remember Ojiro told me before, his quirk is probably brainwashing through communication, just keep my mouth shut and fight like usual. "Let the UA Sports Festival begin!" 

"So, I wonder what your quirk is? How did a nobody like you manage to get into 1-A's hero course?" He kept firing question at me, I just smile and walk towards him, "What's happening, Shinso keeps asking her questions which she just ignores, I grin and keep walking, "Tch, what a loser, it's rude to ignore people you know!" I shrug my shoulders, and continue walking, he was starting to back up, "ANSWER ME GODDAMMIT!" I stop right in front of him and shake my head. "Huh?" I launch a strong kick to his side, he stumbles back, "Damn you, ANSWER MY QUESTIONS!" I smirk, firing more and more kicks and punches at him, he seems too dependant on his quirk to win, as long as I continue keeping my mouth shut he can't activate his quirk, easy win for me a guess.

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