Chapter 38

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Yuki POV

I walk into the common room for breakfast yawning, "Good Morning guys..." I rub my tired eyes, I just hear the muffled sounds of 'good mornings' from peoples mouths full of food, I sit down with Karma, Mina, Denki, Sero, Jiro and Kirishima, I plop in the chair next to Karma and wrap my arms around his waist snuggling into his side, he chuckles and pets my head, "You know, remind me to take advantage of your cuddly morning side," He leans down and kisses the top of my head, "Eeee! Why are you guys so cute! I want a boyfriend!" Mina pouts, I give a lazy smile and take one of Karma pancakes and nibble on it with my eyes still closed, we hear a knock on the door, "I'll get i-" We hear Izuku's voice then a scream, "What's wrong!" We were asking, we look out and the four of us sweatdrop, "Really?" I lift an eyebrow, a large group of the Ministry of Defence plus 3-E were at our dorm door, "Say why are Karma and Yuki going up? Can't it be anyone from your class?" Todoroki asks, "I wanted to go, I love technology, just the thought of it makes my mouth water but it's clear who should go," Itona says, "Whaat? Look I really didn't want to go, and taking such big risks, I'm not ready to put my life on the line, I', just going because we've got the experience and I didn't really want that smile to be wiped off Yuki's face, besides, we could have just brought up Terasuka and a dummy, they're both expendable." Karma leans his head on his hand smirking, "ASSHOLE!" Terasuka tries to stab him but he just maneuvers and floors him, "Karma the delinquent if there's a scuffle and Yuki to stop anyone from going into hospital, she's the only one who can control and stop him," Meg sweatdrops, "Don't' even think about skipping out on this man, be responsible for once in your life and take charge," Terasuka says with his face in the carpet, "Hurry up, we need to get to the space station stat," I hear dad say, "Just let me finish this pancake," I was still nibbling on it, he grabs my collar and drags me out, 3-E following close behind, "Just bring the damn thing!" I nod still with lazy eyes, "Bye guys!" I hear Kaede and Nagisa say while waving back at 1-A, "Bye! Bring us souvenirs!" We hear Mina shout, I giggle. 

- Timeskip -

Cape Shimazu Space Center. We were running quickly towards the fence, Justice and Karma creating a boost for us with interlocking arms, Rio, Kurahashi, Yada, and I hop over, cutting a small hole for Justice and Karma. Yada and Kurahashi taking off their outer jackets and disguising as students who got lost. "Check it out!" "Woah, is this where they do the count down?" Yada and Kurahashi walk into the control room, "Sorry ladies, this area is restricted, where are you visitor ID cards?" They ask, "We're here for a field trip but we got kinda lost," "Yeah we followed some random science guy and wound up here, oops! Sorry!" Kurahashi and Yada hold each other, that's when Justice snuck in, "Kay Ritsu, I'm in the control room now, you say any of these computers will do the trick right?" Justice asks through the earpiece, "Affirmative," Ritsu replies, "I'm plugging you in and leaving, stat," He plugs in the USB, Risu quickly connects and we were online, "Security analysis complete! All clear, installation of remote control virus in the control room mainframe successful! On the on-board flight system will now operate on my command, we're good to go!" I smile at Ritsu's voice, "The first hurdle's been cleared, hey Ritsu, looks like a big part of our entry route is above ground. Is there anything you can do about that?" I touch my earpiece, "Rodger, and I'm confirming your current location now. There you are, how about I shut off the security cameras in that sector for ten seconds!" I hear her, "Sounds good," Karma smirks, "In 3... 2... 1... go!" We run across a series of pipes and continue to the space ship. "Security guard passing through, next patrol in approximately ten minutes, more cameras... let me adjust their angles, there, that should take care of it," We hear Ritsu's voice relaying to us, I grin, "Please be careful," Karma lifts the grated lid up, I hop up and run whist he places it back, we hopped into a lift, "Ready for round two Peaches?" Karma looks at me, I smile, "You bet!" We reached the top level of the lift and we started booking it up the stairs, "Fifteen meters of stairs, we better be quick," I tell Karma and we run up them, "Koro-Sensei?" I look up to where Karma's looking at, "Inspection, perfection!" He chuckles, "Anyone else smell a liability suit?" I snicker at Karma's comment, "Please don't say things like that!" Koro-Sensei wiggles his tentacles, "All clear, I'm relaying the pre-recorded footage of the dummies in the cockpit, you can swap them out now, no one will notice." We hear Ritsu's voice, Karma smirks, and takes my hand, "Well Peaches, let's go," I nod and we walk in.

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