Chapter 12

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Yuki POV

"Woohoo! Summer Island Getaway is finally in full swing!" Koro-Sensei has a sun painted across his face, we deadpan, "NICE THAT YOU CAN STAY POSITIVE, MY DAD JUST GOT POISONED!" "YEAH, I'D BE HAPPY IF I HAD AN INDESTRUCTIBLE PROTECTIVE SHELL AROUND ME!" We all start shouting at him, "SHOW HIM WHAT FULL SWING REALLY MEANS NAGISA!" He proceeded to swing Koro-Sensei around making him sea-sick, "Take your belt off for a sec, I'm going to cram Mr Have-a-nice-day down your pants so he'll shut up." I giggle at Karma's comment, "WHAT'D YOU SAY! LIKE HELL YOU ARE!" Terasuka roared, "You know, he oddly reminds me of Bakugou" I whisper to Kaede she laughs, "Not oddly, definitely!" We both giggle "Kay, alright, why does it suddenly feel like summer vacation?" Nagisa takes Koro-Sensei back, "Because my students are acting independently without me! That's what Summer break is all about, we break off from the routine of school and decide to make our own choices, this is an assassination vacation, it's up to you to make the most of it." We continue our journey to the top of the hotel until we reach a dark corridor, a man was just standing there, he suddenly breaks the glass with his bare hands, "Boring... I can hear your footsteps people, I wanted to kill someone, not a bunch of amateurs, isn't your leader supposed to be some special forces unit? Hun, tough break, guess the smoke got to him faster than I thought hun, what a loser hun." 'He broke the window with his freakin hand?' everyone was thinking, 'and that's not all... the way he talks... no one has the nerve to say it...' we all were thinking the same thing, "Dude, what's with all the stupid huns?" I clasp my hand over Karma's mouth, "Why do you always have to say what we're thinking!" I hiss at him, he smirks and licks my hand, I playfully glare at him and wipe his spit all over his face, "Hun, it's how samurai's talk, they used it all the time to make them sound intimidating, I like the way it rolls of my tongue, it makes me feel badass. It's actually the first time I've tried it out, no big," He was cracking his fingers by just moving them. "Your hands sir, are those your only tools of the trade, at your disposal?" Koro-Sensei asks, "It makes staying incognito, easy as pie, I get a pat-down I got nothing but I can still snap their neck hun, sometimes when the mood is right, I can crush a skull hun. This is boring, I'll just get the boss to clean this up." He reaches for his communicator but Karma smashes it against the window breaking it with a potted plant. "Speaking of let downs, you seem like a bit of a disappointment for being a pro, and is breaking supposed to be intimidating because I can do that, what I wouldn't do is all reinforcements as an opening move, but then I'm not necessarily afraid of a bunch of amateurs," We all gasp, "Karma sto-" "Not so fast Mr Karasuma, the boy's chin is down, Karma usually enters a fight with his chin facing upwards, it shows disdain, he is literally looking down his nose at his opponent, this is different. True, his words may be dripping with arrogance, but his eyes are staring daggers, alert, locking his opponents gaze. Finals was a blow to his precious ego, but I suspect he has taken those failures to heart," Koro-Sensei butts in, "Hun, ok put your money where your mouth is," Samurai-man starts to take his jacket off, "Go at him with everything you've got Karma, don't die on me!" I shout, "Oh don't worry Peaches, I'll come back to you in one piece," I nod quickly. He is quick on his feet, dodging every grab this guy is trying to get, "Hun, evasive maneuvers ain't going to get you anywhere hun, you've got to come in," they stop fighting, "Oh you don't say, and what if all I'm trying to do it keep you occupied? I mean my buddies are hoping to be able to sneak by, so maybe I'm just trying to be clever, oh relax, I'm pretty underhanded on the best of days, but this is a fight I want to win fair and square, no tricks, no cheating, no holdin' out, just you and me now, like men," Karma cracks his knuckles, bouncing up and down on his feet, "Be my guest hun, see this is what I mean, two equals, a real battle to the death hun." They both begin fighting, Karma lands a solid kick to the enemies inner thigh, causing him to kneel down facing the opposite direction, but then... "OH YOU LITTLE PRICK! I DON'T NEED BOTH THE PEOPLE I REALLY LOVE TO BE SPRAYED WITH THAT STUPID GAS!!" I shout, everyone sweatdrops at me, 'did Yuki just swear?' I huff, close to blowing, "Say goodnight you little punk," I grit my teeth, "DON'T TOUCH HIM YOU BASTARD!" Kaede holding me back, "Y-you son of a bitch, he wanted to fight you like a man and this is how you respond?" Yoshida yells back at him, "Oh come on, this isn't a place for someone like him hun," He begins to lift Karma up by his head, "LISTEN UP YOU LITTLE SHIT DON'T TOUCH HIM OR I'LL POP YOUR HEAD OFF CLEAN!!" I was fighting out of Kaede grip then... a gust if purple gas gets blow straight into the enemy's face, "Guess great minds think alike! Now, what were you saying about me being all that?" Karma had a handkerchief over his nose and youth while he was on his knees, "H-How d-did you not breathe it in? I-I sprayed y-you, in point-blank range, y-you should be paralysed?!" He charges forward to Karma, flipping a knife, Karma efficiently unarms him and pins him on the ground, "Come on hun, I've got a girl to get back to," He turns to us, "Come on Terasuka, what are you waitin' for, I need all the duct tape and every freehand I've got, to tie this crazy bastard down," we were all still shocked, "Well, ok fine, you've been yanking this creep's chain the whole time," everyone helps pin him down, "Fair fight my ass," Terasuka grins, I tackle Karma in a hug, burying my face into his neck, I feel him drawing circles on my back, "I did tell you I'd come back to you in one piece did I?" I nod not saying anything, he quickly plants a kiss on my neck, "Stop being sappy! Help us with this bastard!" Terasuka yells, we chuckle and tie him up, we were ready to walk away "How did you know I was going to spray you, you must have held your breath, how'd you know to do that when my hands were empty? NO way you could have known I had anything on me," Karma glances down, "That's the point when facing you I was facing anything but bare hands, as far as I can tell, maybe you were looking forward to an honest fight, but you're also on someone's payroll so you don't get to choose, you would have to stop us with any means necessary. I would have done the exact same thing in your shoes, in a way, my mistrust is a compliment," he sits down in front of him, "Hun, hats off to yo-" Karma starts digging around in his pockets, "Oh we're not done, I'm just getting started!" I look away oh no, he pulls out a tube of mustard and wasabi, everyone else was confused, "What is that?" He asks, "Mustard and wasabi, you never know when you're going to need to shove up someone's nose," "WHAT??!!" Everyone exclaimed, "Part of keeping my guard up meant I had to play nice, but hey, now that we've got you all bound up, I can let loose!" I touch his shoulders, "Is this really, the best option we've got right now?" he turns around to me while he was using the guy's belt to list his nose up, "You're right!" He brings that rachet bag out of his goodies, "I MEANT TO CONTINUE GOING KARMA! NOT GET THAT DISGUSTING BAG OUT!" He smirks, "But I'll have more fun this way!" I sigh, knowing there's no way to get to him, "You better not move around too much, or its contraption will rip your nostrils right off, we've got our jalapenos, your hatch chillies, oh your ghost peppers, those are the kick in the balls right and a pinch of garlic for heart health. So what do you think hun?" He leans on his elbows assessing what he would use, "Shouldn't you stop him Yuki?" Meg asks, me I just shrug, "I kinda just let him do whatever he wants, I know once he has someone in this state, he won't hold back, even if I tell him to," I sigh. He proceeds to shove the entire tube of mustard up his nose, the entire class flinch in both pain and disgust, "So I still see, Karma is still a sadist..." Nagisa says, "Who walks around with this stuff in their bag, ugh seriously. Can we just keep moving, seriously, someone will find us." Terasuka says. We all nod and continue walking, "Attention, the terrace is just up these stairs!" Ritsu alerts us, "That's tricky, this is the club floor," Hayami points out, "Correct, the executive floor can be accessed via the staircase just off the lounge area, unfortunately, the main entrance has a lock on it, therefore we need to detour around for the others to get across," Ritsu informs us, "So we're flying by the seat of our pants?" Meg asks, "A bar is the last place we belong," Isogai says, "Koro-Sensei, Mr K you stay here, leave the tricky part for the ones who are most qualified! We'll unlock it via the VIP stairs, you fellas might be out of your depth in the club, but us girls will do just fine" Meg points at all the girls, "No way, sorry it's too dangerous," dad says looking specifically at me, I just pout, "Huh! Well, plan B!" Karma knocks his hand and looks at Nagisa. 

We all walk into the club, the strobing lights and loud music make me dizzy, "Hey, hey shortie! What are you doing here? Mind taking a drink with me?" I look up and there was this boy, he defiantly smelt drunk and high, "Uh, well, see-" The girls push me, "Come on Yuki! Don't be shy! We'll swing by to pick you up later!" They wink, I sigh, "Fine..." he walks closer to me which I walk further away, "Hey Yuki's a really cute name, anyways I'm Yuja," He takes me to a table, and grabs a drink off a waiter, 'he's trying to act cool' I think in my head, he then takes out a cigarette, 'yep, definitely trying to impress me' "Come on drink up, I'm buying!" I look away, "Actually I have a b-" He puts a to my lips, "Nu-uh, you're by yourself tonight, let me treat you, what do you want to drink?" I sigh, 'I tried telling you' "I'm fine thanks, what are you doing at a place like this? Your friends?" My eyebrow twitches, I have to hold his attention long enough for the girls to open the door and grab me, "Hey want to know a secret? My dad's on TV, like uber-famous! If you saw him on TV you would know who he is, paparazzi crowd him everywhere, can't get away with jack, only in public though, he told me, one time during the commercials, he kept fondling with some chick under the table," he leans closer to me, I could just smell the alcohol coming off him which reeked, "Oh, haha that sounds skeezy, does he brag about stuff like that?" He starts to light the dart, "Uh, smoking's really bad for you, especially that stuff," I lean over the table, "Huh, what are you, the surgeon general? Come on its cool people just need to loosen up once in a while," He offers one to me, I vigorously shake my head, "My teachers calls this a gateway substance, says puts unsuspecting kids on the road to addiction, recreational drugs aren't the solution to everyday problems," I take it from him, "Yeah well, what does your teacher know about my problems, guys have it a lot tougher than you girls, we need to look cool twenty-four-seven, you girls, all you have to do is put on a little makeup, walk into a club and take your pick," He slams down onto the table, I sweatdrop, I know for sure that our girls have a lot more on our minds than just finding a boy. "I know you probably feel humiliated, or overthink it all the time by being a guy, but think about it, just don't overthink it, don't try so hard! Just be yourself!" I say with a smile, "Y-you really think so? Wow, you're so adorable, d-do you want to be my girlfriend??" My face paled, I was telling him how to become a better person, not get a date!


"YOU WHAT??!!" Karma was fuming, "HOW DO YOU JUST FORGET YUKI IN THERE? SOME CREEP PROBABLY HAS HER IN THEIR DISGUSTING MITS!" He just storms in there, "Hey uh, Mr K, aren't you going to stop him?" Isogai asks, his face was unreadable, "I know he's the only one who can intimidate anyone, he's the only one who can get Yuki back if some dirty brats got her in their clutches," He grits his teeth, 'wow I've never seen Mr K so scary!' everyone thought.

Yuki POV

"H-hey where are you taking me?" I ask him, "To the dance floor to show you my wicked moves," He begins dancing, I want to just die here, where is everyone else? Don't tell me they left without me! "Oh, haha, great moves..." I give him a thumbs-up, "R-really?" He blushes even harder, "Y-your so cute, kind, you're just my type, please just accept being my girlfriend!" He turns and tries to kiss me, I freak out, "W-well um, STOP!" I turn away waiting for his gross lips to touch me, but then I see the best thing of my life, "Oh my god, Karma!" I hug him tight, he held Yuja's face, not allowing it to come any closer, "Now if you wouldn't mind, can you take your dirty it's off my girlfriend?" I was relieved he came when he did, "W-what, you're telling me he's your boyfriend? Why didn't you tell me?!" I sweatdrop, "I've been trying to tell you all night, you just wouldn't let me finish." I smile, eyebrow twitching, "Now Peaches, mind coming back with or group?" He has his hand around my waist, "Yes... please," I whisper the last part, only Karma heard, I hug him tightly, "Hey man! You can't just come here and swoop up my girl! Just because you look better doesn't man anything!" He turns around, "Huh?" I was confused too, "Since when was I Your Girl?" he stuttered, "S-since I asked you!" We was pleading, "Sorry but I don't remember accepting your offer, I'm sorry." I say "Yeah, come on pal, you can't be the one swooping in on someone's girl when they can't be there for a few minutes, that's playing dirty," I feel the aura around Karma change, oh crap, "Haha! Look at the time, we gotta leave! Love to chat another time Yuja!" I quickly run out of the club with Karma, "Phew, that was close," 3-E was confused "What happened?" Chiba asks, "You don't want to know." I lean on Karma out of breath, "Now, we should keep walking, we're on a tight schedule," We regain our composure "Yes sir!"

Assassin or Hero BNHA x assassination classroomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora