Chapter 8

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Yuki POV

Today is the last day of UA's Sports Festival, the four of us advanced into the semifinals, if we win our matches, we verse each other. "Heya, Yuki, who are you versing today?" I quickly turn around "Hey Kaede, I'm against Kirishima, aren't you against Tokoyami and Dark Shadow?" She nods, "Hey Peaches!" We both whip around, "Oh, Hi Karma, Nagisa, you're versing Bakugou today, at least he gets his much-awaited spar, and you Nagisa, aren't you up against Todoroki?" they both nod, "Well let's get ready!" We all nod. "Can Karasuma Yuki come to the stadium, Kirishima Eijiro too! Let's get your fight on!" Miss Midnight calls us up, "WELCOME BACK LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF OUR SPORTS FESTIVAL! ARE YOU READY!!" The crowd cheers back at Present Mic, "WELL LET'S GET THESE BATTLES ON! WICKED!" I step onto one side of the field while Kirishima is on the other, "Don't cry too hard when I beat you," He says, "Oh don't worry, I don't plan on losing." I smirk, "BEGIN!" We run at each other, I know I will need to use my weapons in this battle, my plan if pretty rough, it is basically to exhaust his quirk, and in that split second, charge at him, throwing him out of bounds. "HAAA!" I quickly dodge out of the way, "I see you've already hardened your arm Kirishima." He charges again, "Yep!" I see he is beginning to tire out, "What's wrong Kiri~ tired?" I grin, "Never! It isn't manly to give up!" I see his movements are becoming sloppier and sloppier, he must be tired, I'm completely fine, I lay down on the ground, "WHAT'S THIS? KARASUMA HAS LAYED ON THE GROUND? IS SHE OUT OF COMMISSION?" I shake my head and give him a thumbs down, "Come on Kirishima, charge at me with all you've got," He doesn't know what's about to happen to him, "You asked for it! Thanks for the easy win!" I grin and stay still until the last millisecond. CLAP!

I stand back up, "You were saying?" I twirl my stun gun around my fingers, "W-What did you d-do to me... I can't m-move." I smirk, "Kirishima Eijiro, are you unable to move?" Miss Midnight asks, "Y-yes but how? I accept defeat." 

"HOW ON EARTH! KARASUMA YUKI ONCE AGAIN PROCEEDS TO THE NEXT ROUND WITHOUT QUIRK USAGE! AMAZING!!" The crowd applauds me. I bow, "Hey sorry Kirishima, I used my clap stunner, we were taught this by Lovro, he was an assassin and has many kills under his belt, your brain has wavelengths, if I'm able to clap to a high enough frequency to make it hit its peak, it will temporarily immobilise the victim, I'll give you a little shock, it should make them go back to normal and you should be able to move again, ready?" he nods, I give him a quick zap with my stun gun, "I'm sorry, I played dirty." I scratch the back of my head, "No worries, I should have kept my guard up, a villain could have anything up their sleeves, support items or skills, great job by the way! Very manly!" He gives me a thumbs up. I blush, "Woah that girl, Karasuma, she's overpowered, and the fact that she hasn't used a quirk at all, amazing!" "I want her in my agency, Akabane, Shiota, Kayano too." Murmurs pass across the stadium, "Oh, Kirishima I see you can move again, are you ok, will you like to come to my office?" Recovery Girl asks, "No thank you miss, I'm fine, just a little paralysis, I'm cured anyways." He shakes his head, "Very well, then, join your friends back in the stands, congratulations Karasuma-Chan." I bow, "Thank you Recovery Girl." we both walk through the door, "WOW! THAT WAS AMAZING YUKI! HOW DID YOU DO THAT? ARE YOU SURE YOU DON'T HAVE A QUIRK?" Everyone was asking how I did it, I quickly explain, "So you're saying anyone can do it? TEACH ME!" Mina bounces up and down, I shake my head, "I would love to, but it's strange no matter how hard I try, I just can't teach it, I've tried many times, only the four of us have mastered how to use it, an assassin named Lovro taught us, he was Professor Bitch's mentor, he taught her how to become an assassin when she was younger." she pouts, "I wish you could have taught me, it looked so cool!" I giggled, "I'll try my best!" she lights up, "really!?" I nod, "Kayano Kaede, Tokoyami, please come to the stadium." I turn to Kaede and Tokoyami, "Best of luck you two!" They both nod. Kaede talks to Miss Midnight, looks like she wants to use one of his registered items, she just nods. "Ok, Kayano vs. Tokoyami, the winner shall advance into the finals! BEGIN!" Kaede stands still while Dark Shadow comes hurtling towards him, "What's she doing? She isn't budging an inch?" Uraraka asks I shrug, "She must have a plan, otherwise he would be dodging, look how close dark shadow is," she nods, "Awfully close SHE HAS TO MOVE HE WILL GET HI-" BUZZ! Kaede lifted her stun gun and electrocuted dark shadow, he immediately retreated back to Tokoyami, "I heard Dark Shadow doesn't do well with bright sudden lights?" Tokoyami looks annoyed, "You're right, but I'll just get rid of you beforehand!" He launches Dark Shadow at Kaede again, one hand in her pocket, the other holding the stun gun dodging him, "Wow, she really isn't using that much energy but is evading Tokoyami's attacks like a pro," Jiro is leaning out of her seat. Suddenly Kaede tackles Tokoyami on the ground and is sparking the stun gun. "I surrender." Kaede looks confused, "Huh?" Tokoyami sighs, "Like you said Dark Shadow is less powerful in light and is scared of bright sudden exposures to light, it wouldn't be fair on him." Kaede nods, and gets off him, "The winner is Kayano Kaede! He is the in finals!" The crowd cheers and was screaming about how Tokoyami looking out for his quirk was so manly. The two of them walk into our stand, "Amazing job Kayano! And Tokoyami, you made such a manly decision!" Kirishima had his hand on Tokoyami's shoulder crying manly tears, we all sweatdrop, 'is everything in his life based off manliness?' "Next we have Akabane Karma and Katsuki Bakugou, please come down," Miss Midnight announces, "Well I guess he finally gets the fight he wanted," Karma nods, and gives me a quick kiss, "Good luck charm," He smirks, I roll my eyes, "Awww, you guys are adorable!" Mina squeals next to me. "It won't be like last time, just watch!" Bakugou was getting really heated, "Oh I think it will, you will be back on the ground where you belong, just like before~" Karma turns around and sticks his tongue out, walking to his side of the field, "WHAT'D YOU SAY! I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!" 

"Boys, continue this in the fight, not before. Ready! BEGIN!" Bakugou lights huge explosions increasing his speed, Karma stood his ground. "What's he doing?" Even I'm concerned, he has a bloodlust look in his eyes, I watch intently suddenly, I hear the click of a gun. Bakugou was right in front of Karma, his gun touching his forehead, "So, want to keep going forwards? Or will play nice?" He has an evil smirk, no matter how much someone says they aren't afraid, nothing can prepare themselves to be at gunpoint, Bakugou gulps, "You're playing damn dirty," Karma shrugs, I registered this, it's allowed~" Karma was just pushing Bakugou's buttons, that was his plan, "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, I WON'T LET A QUIRKLESS WANNABE BE-" 

Karma landed a powerful kick to Bakugou's side, catching him off guard, then throwing him over his shoulder and using his gun lands a shot just shy of his face with a paintball, "Y-you bastard, I'll GET YOU!" Karma whistles and points at his feet, "Bakugou Katsuki is out of bounds, Akabane Karma is in the finals!" The crowd whispers, "Is that kid really quirkless?" "He is so powerful even without a quirk." I need him in my agency." Bakugou was fuming, "YOU BASTARD, I'LL BEAT YOU TO A PULP!" Karma turns around ignoring him walking back to the stands, "IDIOT! LISTEN TO ME!" Karma just responds with a thumbs down. "Wow, I'm surprised you beat him, I thought you were toast when he was coming at you." Kaminari shoots Karma so many questions. He just shrugs, "We've faced worse... The Reaper." Everyone goes silent, "Y-you're kidding right, you didn't actually face him, there were so many news reports of his assassinations, he always left a red rose at the crime scene." I'm frozen, I remembered how he manipulated our class, dad, Professor Bitch, he was truly terrifying. "Hey, you ok? I'm sorry for bringing it up." I keep Karma hug me in his arms, I subtly nod, I look at the class, "He was truly terrifying, I've never seen anyone in my entire life that was so 'dead' he had no glint in his eyes, no emotion, it was as if he really was dead." The class didn't say anything. "Shiota Nagisa, Todoroki Shoto! Come to the stadium, this will be the last match of the day!" they both stand up and head down, I remember what he did to Kaede, how he really tried to drown us, "Hey Yuki, HEY YUKI!" I feel Karma shake me but I feel my consciousness slip away from me, "COME SOMEONE HELP ME BRING HER TO THE NURSE!" That was the last thing I heard until I fell into darkness. 

- Timeskip -

"Ugh, my head's kinda sore, Karma?" I look down and Karma was sitting in a chair next to me asleep, I smile and shake him, "Karma, time to wake up." He groans, "Yuki? Yuki!" he stands up and gives me a hug, "Thank god you're ok, I don't know what happened but you fainted, is it because I mentioned the reaper?" I look down, "I don't know maybe, I just thought of all the things he did to us, our class, he was really a monster." He nods, "I know, I was just so scared, I didn't know what happened to you." I gasp, "Who won? Nagisa or Todoroki?" he grins, "All four assassins made it to the finals, we will be versing each other from now on." I smirk, "Well, you better not hold back, I sure won't"

"Wouldn't dream of it Peaches," We head back out, "You're ok Yuki! You really had us worried!" Uraraka comes up to me, "Thanks for the concern, nothing but a little blackout, I'll be fine!" I give a smile, all of 1-A comes up to me, asking if I was fine, it was if we had another family here. One in 3-E and one here 1-A, ironic we came from the worst grade to the best one.

Assassin or Hero BNHA x assassination classroomTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon