chapter 15

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When I felt her arms around me I couldn't hold in the tears I cried so hard.she didn't ask me anything she just ran her hands through my hair and rubbed soothing circles on my back.Now I was in deep thought, I needed to figure out what I felt for her because I was sure as hell this was no longer a liking spree.

Tessa::"Do you want to talk about it?"
I shook my head telling her no.I more than anything wanted to share everything with her but I also didn't want to burden her with my sad stories.

Tessa::"Allan its getting pretty late I should head out now."

"Please stay?"

She always made me feel better.Its like she gave me some sort of peace.I liked being around her and I really needed her.

Tessa::"I dont want to d"
I cut her off before she could finish her statement

"Your not imposing,I want you hear,I could make you some food and we could watch a movie then you can have a long shower in my bathtub and you can have my bed"

she was playing with her mind and the small smile on her lips told me it was a definite yes.

"Come let me make you guys something to eat."I was busy getting all the things together in the kitchen when I remember something.

"Tess what are you craving for"
I knew that statement came out wrong the minute her eyes shot wide open like saucers.He cheeks and the tips of her ears flushing bright pink."

Tessa::"I'm cravings for hotdogs and homemade macaroni with cheese.though sometime I crave for a fruity and other times I crave for hot chocolate and other times I crave for bread with lots of nutella but if your talking about the other craving then I crave for crazy tight hugs like really really tight hugs and sometimes I crave for the little kisses you leave on my head when I'm half asleep but I probably think you were askin"

I couldn't listen to her rumble anymore.Dont get me wrong it was damn cute but then I just couldn't hold it.I smashed my lips onto hers and kissed her.I was loosing hope that she wouldn't respond but then after some time she did.she laced her lips with mine moving them in sync with mine.she held on to my shirt for support and I held onto her waist with no plan to let go.she belong here with me.
We stopped to catch our breaths.she was so shy she was practically breathing on my chest afraid to look at me .I sat her on the kitchen island and placed myself in between her legs

I raised her head so I could see her beautiful sweet face.Damn how she was even looking hotter with her pink full lips.To think I was the cause made me smile

"That was hot.You really are something else"

Tess::"You liked it"

She asked in a shy manner.It then hit me that she that that night she was a virgin and she probably didn't remember a thing so maybe just maybe this was her first real kiss

"Was that your first kiss?"
She nodded her head.This girl was so damn pure.i ran my fingers down her face and kissed her again.This time slowly and with more passion allowing her to feel every piece of me.I poured out all my emotions through the kiss and it felt good.


His lips felt so good.They felt so right against mine.He tugged my lower lip asking for entrance and I gave him access.I could feel his hand on my back while my hand was up in his hair.

His teeth grazed my lower lip making me was such a low sound full of pleasure but am sure he heard it as he increased the pace of the kiss.

We both broke it after the need for some air.I didn't want to but my lungs were in serious need of some oxygen.

We were staring at each other,studying each other when my stomach decided it was time for dinner.

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