chapter 13

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She was sleeping by the time we got home.I would steal glances of her in her sleep while driving.Her beauty was something I would never get tired off.her loose curly hair was held in a loose burn and her soft pink lips looked deliciously cute.

I carried her to her house getting weird glances from the neighbour's but I could care less.
I made her dinner before I left making sure not to wake her.

(Next day at school)

Student::"she is such a whore"
Student::"how could he fuck such an ugly girl"
Student::"boyfriend snatcher"
Student:::"she is such a freak "

The hallway was buzzing with sounded like a highschool hallway.

Tommy::"is it true ?"
"Is what true"i asked taking my seat in class.she should be hear anytime.
Tommy::"did you bang her?no scratch that are you banging her"
James::"you need to be more specific asshole he bangs alot of people "
" who is banging who guys"
James started talking but then she walked in taking all of my concentration.The whole room had pindrop silence but soon it was filled with noise about the same topic.

James::"I don't think he is just banging her did you see the way he looked at her?"
"Looked at who"
Tommy::"the nerd"
"She has a fucking name asshole"
Tommy::"I have a name too"
James::"that's besides the point. So allan you finally want to fill us in on what is really going on."

I was about to speak but Molly's voice beat me to it.

Molly::"Guys "
she called out to the whole class.what new drama is she cooking in her head now.
Molly ::"how about we ask little nerd hear if she is really pregnant?a little birdie told me she is"

The blood in my face drained.How the fuck did she know that.
Molly::"The little birdie also told me that you were pinning the responsibility on my man"

She said leaning close to where she was.I was seeing red.
"Molly if you dare touch a single hair on her head."
I said in a warning tone.

Molly::"you'll what.Fuck my little sister while I watch.There is nothing you can do about it.anyway how did you end up fucking a mute who doesn't even know how to defend herself."

"Maybe because I was tired of your plastic body.If you have an issue it's with me not with her"
Molly::"ohh as long as she is the one your fucking,I'll have an issue with her.I know she has lied to you about the ugly creature growing in her tummy but we all know that ain't true"

I was about to go hit her into a pulp but tessa beat me to it.she grabbed her by her hair and pushed her to the wall.i could say that what she was doing surprised me but what surprised me even more.

She took of her hoodie revealing her face and shouted with just as much anger.

Tessa::"let this be a warning to you"she said pushing molly harder to the wall
"And every other psychotic little bitch in this room who thinks they have been licensed to talk shit just about everyone.
You can talk all you want about me I could care less.But dont you ever talk about my baby.This is a promise I make you,if you so as much as think about my baby I will kill you.And I will make it so slow and painful you'll wish you never messed with me."

I thought she was done everyone else thought so too but my baby wasn't

Tess::"one more thing,before you go around calling girls who cant afford makeup ugly and trash.wash off your make up.
I dont think all of you understand but beauty by make up and natural beauty are too diffrent things.we are not on the same level bitch."

I for sure knew she was done when she walked away leaving molly still pinned on the wall but tess could surprise you.she took her battle of water and poured it all over Molly's face and pulled of her wig.she had a smile on her face

Tess::"now who is ugly "

Teacher::"molly go wash your face and as for you tessa the next time your motherly instincts come forth try controlling them.not all teachers here will support your actions.Now where did we leave off from last time."

This teacher was definitely my favourite.

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