chapter 8

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A sharp pain erupted from my left hip making me jolt from my sleep and I regretted that immediately due to the sharp pain in my head.My head was aching badly and my hip was so painful.

Allan::"hey are you okay"
His voice startled me,I had forgotten I was still in the park and that too with him.

"I'm fine just a headache "

He took me in before he rose to his feet putting his hand out for me.

Allan::"come on let me get you guys somefood"

I raised my brows quizzically at him"which guys "

"You and the baby."
I dont know what made him so hot,the fact that he was thinking of us or the way he ran his fingers through his hair.He looked so hot it should be illegal.

I quickly put my thoughts in check for I new this side of him would leave faster than a blink of an eye.I knew I was quick to trust and I got attached too easily so I needed to put myself inline else I would get hurt.

"No you dont have to I'll go home and make something"

The look of disappointment that crossed his face was quickly replaced with an empty look,no emotion no nothing,like he had flipped a switch.

He crouched beside me and took my hand in his

allan::"atleast let me drop you off then"

It was difficult to say no as his beautiful ocean blue eyes held mine I nodded my head in agreement and I stood to my feet.I stambled forward and was about to fall but he held me just before I hit the ground.

Allan::"dont worry I got you"

I drove the car to her block but I never wanted to leave her alone.she looked so pale and tired but I also knew she needed her space and I had to give it to her.she was about to let herself out when I stopped her.

"Hey I have no idea what you have decided about the pregnancy yet.all I want you to know is that I'll be here when you need me.I will walk with you every single step you take.Just know your not alone."

She hadn't made a move to leave the car.I guess she was still processing my words.

"Here"i said handing her my phone.she stared at it before she caught on to what I needed.

She quickly dialed in her number and handed me back my phone.

"Sleep tight tess"
She spared me one glance before she spoke up "you too allan"

I waited until she walked into her building before I drove off.The only thing on my mind being how good my name sounded off her lips.

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