chapter 11

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"Hey I'm going to make an appointment with the doctor to know how you and the baby are doing "

I didn't want her to unwrap her arms around me but the her safety and the babies was also important.Much to my amazement she didn't move she only nodded her head and snuggled closer into my chest.

Soon her breathing slowed down indicating she had fallen asleep.As much as I wanted to stay I had to go home and face my father.He had been calling and I believe my mum had already told him everything.

I slowly carried her in my arms and took her to her bed and covering her up.She needed lots of rest.

I laid a soft kiss on her forehead and tiptoed out of her room making sure not to wake her


"Dad "I acknowledge his presence as I entered the bar area of my apartment.


I poured myself a drink and sat across from him.My dad was never a man of many words though whenever he spoke his words held meaning.He loved my mother and so did I but he also new my mum could get extreme sometimes.

"So you dont want molly anymore?"

"I've never wanted her dad but mum always did"

"Make me understand "

"Dad this happened when you went for business in India.mum had reconnected with her old highschool friend who also happens to be Molly's mum. After mum realized she also had a business similar to her she thought a relationship between me and her daughter would help her she started making me take her out on dates telling me to date her.I didn't say no because molly and I went to the same school and she was what every guy wanted.But as time went buy she started showing me her true colours.Just because I wasn't ready to have sex with her she started doing it with other guys.

That made hurt me and I told mum .But she never listened she never did."

"Why haven't I ever had about this"

"It wasn't an issue but now it is and I cant pretend no more."

"You wanna tell me why it's an issue"

"Dad I'm not going to hide this from you.I met this girl and I don't know for sure but I think I like her."

"Well son clearly this is an issue between you and your mum,I dont support her using you as a puppet for her business and neither do I support you shouting at her. I'll talk to her but you also need to make her understand that you dont like molly."

My mum was the most difficult person to talk to once she had her mind set on something there was no turning back.I knew talking to her was no use.The only person who could make her see sense was my dad.

With one last shot I grew the balls to finally say it

"She is pregnant dad.And I'm sure its mine"

My dad looked at me for what seemed like hours,he didn't say a word.I knew that he cared less about reputation and his family always came first but I was just twenty one years,I was still afraid of the outcome.

"Well,"he took a sip of his drink

"You better go and take care of your girl.leave my wife to me."

I looked at him straight in the eye.I went to where he was standing and gave him a manly hug.He hadn't won a father of the year aword,he wasn't always there,he never came to my school games,but he never disappointed either.he would show up whenever I needed him most and just like all those other days he had my back.

"Thankyou dad"
"Congratulations son"he said as he walked out the door.

I took out my phone called the hospital making an afternoon appointment.
I texted her letting her know of the appointment and wished her a good night.

Text::goodnight to you too allan😊😊.


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