chapter 6

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I found it difficult to go back to my place after dropping her.I knew I hurt her so deeply but what could I do.I took out my phone calling my friends,I needed a drink.No fuck that I needed a whole Burrell.

To my dismay, they were all hooked up with who knows who.I drove past my place to the end of the park.I climed on top of my jeep and looked up at the setting sun.I needed to think.


The weekend was long.I missed my friday classes because I woke up feeling sick.Each morning I would wake up feeling nauseous and tired.

The doctor had said the first trimester was the hardest of all.He had prescribed some medications but my current finances wouldn't allow me to spend.

From what my mum had left me and the little I had got from working during the holidays,I only had enough to pay for my safe delivery.The rest having spent it on school and bills.

The only other coins I had left were for supplies for maybe a week.And I also new in between I needed money for vaccines.It was fucked up ,really fucked up.But I had no other alternative.

My entire weekend I was either sleeping vomiting or crying about my fucked up life.Now It was Monday and I looked like crap.

I walked into the cafe in serious need of something to drink.

Molly::"Did you sleep in a shit hole or something coz you look like shit"
I ignored her making my way to the cashier

Molly::"bitch you better speak when spoken to"
I put a deaf ear to her words and took my drink but molly hit it making me drop it to the ground.

That was my baby's breakfast.I tried to ignore it but damn mother instinct wouldn't allow me to.

I fisted my arm and punched her square in the face.before she had time to respond I took my other arm and slapped her across the chick.

You could mess with me but don't your dare mess with my baby.Born or not nobody fucking messes with my baby. I shouted at her in my head and walked out of the cafe and school.

Damn woman.

I walked to a store and grabbed some fruity before walking down to the park.
I Knew doing that was a bad idea.she came from a rich family and her father was part of the school board committee.where else I had no defence.if they were to rule justly I would win but I knew that wouldn't happen.

Half of the school was made up of children of the rich,and the rest were half supported by the government and that's how I ended up there.allan was top of the list followed by molly and the rest of his friends and I just punched his girlfriend.

I was no longer doing quite sobs I was screaming,screaming at mother earth for placing all odds against me.screaming at my dead mother for leaving me,screaming at society for putting such a big difference between me and them.i was screaming for my baby.i was screaming for all the hard work I had put to get my school records clean.I was screaming for some love just a little bit of love.

I needed someone and when I was told I was pregnant I felt I had someone but they were taking long to come.I needed just a little tinny bit of affection.

It sucked to be alone.

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