He stayed silent for a couple of seconds. "I might get them understand" he said as if it's nothing.

Oh. Ofcourse he won't let his fans get their anger to you. Damn.

"Then..." i sighed, "...I just hope they'll support us." I said.

He nodded curtly.

"But." Omo, what again? Ah! It seems like a great plan though.

"What?" He urges me to continue.

"Let's keep it private." I said.


"Let's keep it private" she confidently said.

My jaw clenched at that thought.

I don't even want to keep her in the dark!

"... I just think that I'll be fine by that. Besides, I don't want people to think that you settle for less Younghoon." She said, looking like a puppy right now.

My damn baby girl is insecure at the moment and I can't even do anything to stop it!

"You're not less Jia" seriously not a less type.

She waved her head from left to right. "Let me finish first" it's not a request but a comman.

Hands down to that.

"Like. Please don't get me wrong but. I can't even choose a better taste of fashion for myself. That I think perhaps you can introduce me to the world of yours once I'm ready?" She hesitantly asked.

Of course not!

"Of course" damn!

She beamed a brilliant smile at me.

Whatever baby.

"Then I guess I need to ask you if you're fine with my new project?" Now that I remember that. Our manager said that it is a good sign for the exposure of my image that might as well help the band to be internationally knew.

She tilted her head again, how cute.

"The one with my sister?" She innocently asked.


"I'm fine with that. Just continue living the way you did before. Just..." she paused and drink her soda again before looking at my direction.

"Just come back to me. Always." She said.

I don't get it at first but when I realized what she meant by that.

I smiled like an idiot.

Now look at that! Tsk. Perks of being in a relationship.

"Always" I heartedly answer and kiss her on the cheeks.

Her cheeks turned red automatically. Now that it happened,  i just can't stop myself from doing that. She's just too damn beautiful looking like a greek God of beauty. Damn!

I smiled and was about to hug her when the door of her hotel room suddenly open.

Leaving me in that position like an act of kissing her.


"Wrong move young man" her dad said and a smirk crept into his lips.


"Hello sir" whew! That was smooth Younghoon.

"Daddy!" Jia shouted with glee, she even open her arms wide just to let her daddy hug her.

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