Chapter 15

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"Jiang Cheng," Xichen said, avoiding Lan Zhan's question. "What happened?" Jiang Cheng's hand relaxed, and he bowed towards Lan Xichen.

"Forgive this ruckus. We'll solve everything right away." Wei Ying rolled his eyes and gave Lan Zhan a peck. "I'll be back. I know if Jiang Cheng tries to solve something, nothing will get solved." He stood up, and faced Xue Yin.

"My sister is already engaged to someone. So, if you would please..." Suddenly, a hand dragged Wei Ying back. Wei Ying landed in Lan Zhan's lap. "Lan isn't the...time..." He trailed off as he looked upwards. The roof was crumbling. "AHHHH!" Wei Ying screamed, squeezing onto Lan Zhan. Jiang Cheng, Xue Yin, Xichen and Yuqi all looked up. "Watch out!" Xichen yelled, dragging Jiang Cheng away from the ceiling. Xue Yin ran away too. However, Yuqi was frozen still, staring up at the ceiling as it crumbled before her eyes.

"Yuqi!" Wei Ying, Xue  Yin, and Jiang Cheng screeched at the same time. Wei Ying was about to leap up to get his sister out of there, but Lan Zhan held him tight. "Wei Ying. You already died once. I'm not letting you die again." Wei Ying looked at him in agony. "But she's my sister." he cried. "You would do the same for Xichen." Lan Zhan glowered. "You don't know how much I suffered those days, waiting for you." However, his hand grip slightly loosened. But before Wei Ying could run for his sister, someone beat him to it.

"Xue Yin!?" Wei Ying yelled in shock. Xue Yin rammed into Yuqi, getting her far enough away from the faulty part of the ceiling before it finally collapsed. Yuqi coughed as the dust welled up in her face. Xue Yin's body was limp. Everyone's eyes widened in shock. 

"Xue Yin!" Yuqi cried, running over. Wei Ying gripped Lan Zhan's hand. "That would have happened to you if you ran over," Lan Zhan said. "You cannot ever leave me again. Let me tell you something, Wei Ying. Do you know how badly I suffered those 16 years you were gone? Even as a non-alcoholic, I drank Emperor's Smile constantly just to remind myself of you. I played Inquiry to try and find your soul. I played the song I composed for you repeatedly. I cried day and night. My studies were affected greatly. sorry if I'm overprotective of you. I just don't want to ever lose you again." Wei Ying blinked rapidly. "Wow. That was a lot. However, someone just got crushed by the ceiling. I think we should focus on that first." he said, before running over to Yuqi and Xue Yin. Lan Zhan didn't move, while Xichen on the side, shaking his head. Wei Ying will never understand how to embrace a moment. He'll also never understand how much that took for my brother to tell him. Xichen walked over to Lan Zhan.

"I don't understand...why doesn't he seem to care?" Lan Zhan muttered. "He does care. But someone just got terribly injured. I think he prioritized that first." Xichen replied. "Do my feelings matter less than the life of a serial killer's sister?!" Lan Zhan said. It was much louder than he intended it to be, and Wei Ying glanced at him. But instead of walking over, he went back to Xue Yin, who was almost dead and could barely speak. 

"Yuqi..." she murmured. "I'm here." Yuqi wailed. "Does Jiang Cheng make you happy?" she whispered slowly. Yuqi nodded, tears welling up. "He does." "Are you sure?" Xue Yin breathed. "Yes," Yuqi said. Xue Yin smiled a small smile. "Good. As long as you're happy," she said, sighing her last breath, before going limp. Wei Ying touched her face. It was cold. 

"She's dead." he said. "I know..." Yuqi said, her voice cracking. Jiang Cheng walked over and squatted next to her. "I'm sorry. I know she's basically your sister. Just like Wei Wuxian and I." Yuqi swiped her tears away. "It's okay. She wouldn't want me to be crying like this. She was the one that put the needles in you." Wei Ying frowned. "How do you know?" Yuqi shrugged. "I'm not sure. But you mentioned someone named Xue Yang had access to those needles, and it was also mentioned that her brother is Xue Yang. I assumed that she knew of Jiang Cheng's slightly jealous feelings and used them to her advantage. Her real target was still you, Wei Wuxian, but she used Jiang Cheng to attack you instead to make it less obvious. At least, that's what I assume. Oh Wei Wuxian, you may want to go check on Lan Wangji. He seems very unhappy. Let me stay with Yuqi for a while. She did so much for me when we were young," She sniffed, before continuing. "There are so many things I haven't said to her that I regret not saying. I want to say them to her now. Even though she's dead, maybe her spirit will hear it. But you go talk to Wangji." Wei Ying nodded, and patted her back, before standing and walking towards Lan Zhan, who was in a deep and emotional conversation with his brother.

"Lan Zhan..." he called quietly. Lan Zhan didn't turn to face him. However, Xichen did. He gestured for him to go outside. "I'll talk to you there." he mouthed. Wei Ying nodded. Did I seriously do something that wrong? 

"Lan Xichen...why is Lan Zhan so angry?" he pouted when they were outside. "Did I hurt him?" Xichen shook his head. "He's not angry. He's just confused, and a little hurt. He thinks you favored Xue Yin over him." Wei Ying looked at him in confusion. "That makes no sense. She tried to kill me. And him. Why in the world would he think that?!" Xichen smiled sadly. "Before you went to check on Xue Yin...what did you say?" Wei Ying thought for a moment. "I said something like; That was a lot to take in. I didn't know that. But, can we talk about this later? I think Xue Yin may have been fatally hurt. I'll come back, I swear." Xichen sighed. "Master really never change. What you said was; Wow. That was a lot. However, someone just got crushed by the ceiling. I think we should focus on that first. I think he interpreted that as his feelings don't matter, and you would rather care for Xue Yin instead." Wei Ying looked at him with a horrified expression. 

"But...But...Xue Yin died! I had to at least check on her; she's my sister's best friend!" Wei Ying exclaimed. "Also, he said it out of nowhere." "Wangji just doesn't understand why you had to check on the person that tried to kill you both." He paused for a moment. "But...there's one thing that you don't understand about Wangji. One crucial thing." 

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