Chapter 7

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          "Life is boring, life really sucks, I want my Lan Zhan, I want my Lan Zhan. All I have is little Wen Ning, and he should be having fun." Wei Ying hummed, throwing a radish seed up and down. He smiled sadly. Radishes, he thought. Reminds me so much of Wen Qing and A-Yuan. Just as the thought of A-Yuan crossed his mind, Sizhui came running. Wei Ying ran over to greet him.

          "A-Yuan! Good to see you. Any news?" "Yes," Sizhui said panting. He held up his hand. "Wait a second, Master Wei. Let me catch my breath." He cleared his throat. "It is your sister. I confirmed. Lan Zhan is in a huge shock, but he's acting a teeny bit nicer, knowing that its your sister. She's willing to help convince them to release you. She's also willingly distancing herself from Lan Zhan. For some reason, she thought you had died as well." Wei Ying furrowed his brow.

          "Strange...strange. How could this happen? Anyway, tell Lan Zhan and Yuqi to act smartly. I want to get back into my Lan Zhan's bed." he said, with a pouty face. This remark made Sizhui uncomfortable, but it was also funny. Sizhui nodded. "Okay. And...don't tell Wen Ning this, but Hanguang-Jun is jealous of him because you two are alone." At that comment, Wei Ying let out a loud "pfffffttttttttttttttttt."

          "You're kidding, right?" he said, trying to control his laughter. Sizhui shook his head. "No. It was really obvious, because he started squirming when I said Wen Ning was with you." Wei Ying burst out into laughter. "Well tell him that his beloved Wei Ying can't wait to get back into bed with him. Also, give him this." He unwrapped his red sash from his hair. "It wouldn't look good on him, but just for his sake of having a part of me there." Sizhui nodded. "Okay. Be careful, Master Wei." Wei Ying nodded. "You too, A-Yuan."


          Later that day, Wei Ying and Wen Ning were merely chatting, when they suddenly heard loud, quick footsteps. Panic immediately rose up in Wei Ying.

          "Wen Ning! Hurry, go hide! Make sure they don't see you. Even if you want to help me, you have to resist the urge. If something happens to me, go to Cloud Recesses and tell Lan Zhan." he hissed. Wen Ning nodded, before diving into a nearby bush, completely out of sight. Just then, Jiang Cheng, Jin Ling, and a bunch of people of the Jiang Clan emerged.

          "Wei Wuxian!" Jiang Cheng bellowed. Wei Ying looked at him and smiled. "Right here." Jiang Cheng growled. "Let's fight!" Wei Ying was immediately taken aback by this. "Why? Am I allowed to use my flute." Jiang Cheng shook his head. "No wicked sorcery allowed." "But then that's not fair! I don't have any spiritual power." he complained, staring harshly into Jiang Cheng's eyes. Jiang Cheng shuffled uncomfortably. Just then, Jin Ling interrupted.

          "Yeah Uncle. Don't tell me you came here just to duel Wei Wuxian. What did he do?" Jin Ling whined. Furious, Jiang Cheng whipped Jin Ling with Zidian.

          "Shut up, Jin Ling! You wouldn't understand." His focus turned back to Wei Ying. "I won't use Zidian. We can fight with swords." Confused Wei Ying nodded slightly. "I don't have Suibian with me though." Jiang Cheng gestured to one of the people that came along, who tossed Suibian to Wei Ying. Still confused, Wei Ying agreed. "It's your fault if I die." he said. Enraged, Jiang Cheng leaped towards him. Wei Ying knew that he would most definitely lose, because he didn't have much spiritual energy. So, he focused on dodging the attacks. 

          In just a few minutes, Jiang Cheng had defeated Wei Ying. Wei Ying was bleeding from all parts of his body. Concerned, Jin Ling ran towards Wei Ying. "Wei Wuxian! Why are you bleeding so much?" he asked. Wei Ying panted. "You're" he heaved, before coughing out a glob of blood. Jiang Cheng glared at him. "Finally, I have the power to defeat you. Do you know how shameful it felt to be defeated by you in every possible category? Do you understand the humiliation I felt!? This is payback. This won't be the last time though." he said, turning back. Jin Ling ran to his uncle and tugged his sleeves.

          "You're kidding right? You just came to fight Wei Wuxian over a rivalry? You're insane!" he spat. Jiang Cheng whipped him with Zidian again. "SHUT UP. If you speak about this again, I'll kill Fairy." Jin Ling immediately turned pale, and looked back towards Wei Ying. I'll find Sizhui and tell them, he mouthed. Wei Ying nodded slightly. He opened his mouth. Thank you.

          After they had left, Wen Ning came out of his hiding spot. He looked at Wei Ying with a horrified expression, but Wei Ying shook his head. "It's fine..." he panted. "It doesn't hurt." Wen Ning frowned. "Nonsense! Master Wei, I know you're very strong, but look at the condition you're in! I'll go into the Demon Subdue Palace. I know some places my sister had secretly stored some of her most prized herbs. They probably won't be there anymore, but its worth a look." Wen Ning sprang onto his feet and rushed in. A few minutes later, he came back with only a couple leaves.

          "This is the most I could find." Wen Ning said. "Better than nothing." Wei Ying heaved. Wen Ning nodded his head. "Right." he said, and began to apply some medicine onto Wei Ying's wounds.

            They quickly ran out of leaves. Wei Ying looked at Wen Ning with a hazy expression. "Wen Ning...go to Cloud Recesses. You may meet Jin Ling, but don't be scared. Don't go inside though...wait outside by the gate. If someone familiar comes out, ask them to go bring Hanguang Jun. Then tell him what happened. Wen Ning...I think I'm going to pass out. Also..." he panted. Wen Ning leaned in. "Yes?" Wei Ying smiled. "Thank you for being such a good friend for me." Wen Ning bowed. "Always." he said, before running away.

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