Chapter 6

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          Sizhui gave him a questioning look. " you know her?" Wei Ying felt dizzy. "She's still alive?" he whispered. Now Sizhui was curious. "What do you mean?" Wei Ying felt sick to his stomach.

          "My blood sister's name is Yuqi. But-but she died several years ago. What am I thinking? It's probably a different Yuqi." His heart was racing. What are the chances?  "Sizhui, describe her looks to me. Does she have deep dimples, a very nice smile, double eyelids?" Sizhui thought for a moment. "Yes, all of that, plus she has a lot of hair, and I think she has one dark brown eye and one hazel eye." Wei Ying felt faint. "It must be her. Li Yuqi is Wei Yuqi. She's a few year younger than me. When she was born, the first things we noted were her unique eyes and deep dimples. How could she still be alive? Why did she adopt someone else's surname? She should have died when she was 2 or 3! After my parents died, we never saw each other again, and eventually, someone told me that she died!" Wei Ying grabbed Sizhui by the collar. "Go up to Yuqi and ask for her real surname. Tell me what she says. If it really is her, tell her that her brother Wei Ying is Lan Zhan's real boyfriend, and tell her to distance herself from him. Tell Lan Zhan as well. If anything fishy happens, come immediately." Neither Sizhui nor Wen Ning had ever seen Wei Ying so panicky.

          "I understand, Master Wei. I will ask immediately. But I really have to go now." Wei Ying released him. "Please come back as soon as possible." Sizhui nodded. "Of course." With that, Sizhui was gone.


          "Thank god I have you here," Wei Ying said to Wen Ning. "Or else I would starve." Wen Ning had gone to town and bought a lot of seeds and vegetables, and was now busily preparing food for them.

          Meanwhile, Sizhui had arrived back at Gusu. When he arrived at Cloud Recesses, Lan Zhan and Lady Yuqi were drinking tea in the same room, but about 15 feet apart. Lan Zhan was staring at the floor with bloodshot eyes, and Yuqi was looking around. Sizhui ran up to Yuqi.

          "Lady Li," Sizhui said, bowing. Yuqi smiled. "You must be Lan Sizhui." Sizhui nodded. "Lady Yuqi, is Li your real surname?" Yuqi froze, and Lan Zhan gave him a questioning look. 

          "Why...why do you ask?" she murmured. "Please, just answer this question truthfully." Sizhui said. Now Lan Zhan was intrigued, and scotted a tiny bit closer. Yuqi looked around nervously, but then slowly shook her head. " it is not. My parents died when I was young, and I was then adopted by farmers Li Yang and Yang Ailin. I was only 3 years old, so they decided to change my surname to Li." Sizhui nodded thoughtfully. 

          "Then, if you don't mind answering this, was your original surname Wei?" Lan Zhan's blood froze. He stared at Sizhui. Sizhui, what are you doing?! he mouthed to him. I'll explain later. he mouthed back. Yuqi looked at him, confusion and horror in her eyes. "How did you know?" Lan Zhan scurried over to her. "Is your surname really Wei?" Yuqi nodded slowly. " is." Lan Zhan looked at Sizhui, who nodded. 

          "Lady Li, was your brother Wei Ying?" At the mention of Wei Ying, Yuqi burst into tears. Horrified, Lan Zhan and Sizhui immediately tried to comfort her. Finally, she managed to get herself together.

          "Yes, he is. He's a few years older than me, and I loved him so much. But after our parents died, he disappeared from my life forever. People told me he had died. How do you know all this?" Lan Zhan kneeled infront of her. " you know who my boyfriend was? Do you know who you replaced for this marriage?" Yuqi shook her head. "They refused to tell me." "Wei Ying. He was my boyfriend, and lover of over 15 years. He was adopted by the Jiang Clan of Yunmeng." Yuqi's eyes froze. "No, no. You must have gotten it mixed up. How is he still alive? Why did they seperate us?!" she cried. Lan Zhan turned to Sizhui.

          "Sizhui, how in the world did you know this?" Sizhui bowed. "Hanguang Jun, when I heard that Master Wei was getting taken away, I immediately called for Wen Ning so we could search for him. We found him in Burial Mounds. Wen Ning is still there with him," Lan Zhan felt a pang of jealousy. "Continue," he said to Sizhui. Sizhui cleared his throat.

          "He told me to update you about him regularly, and update him about you. Before I left, he asked who the maiden was. I said Li Yuqi. He immediately started freaking out because his blood sister's name was Yuqi. He said she had deep dimples, double eyelids, and a nice smile. I then added that she has a lot hair and her eyes are different colors. That confirmed that it was indeed his sister." Yuqi was stunned. Lan Zhan felt some of the coldness he had towards her melt a tiny bit, just because she was Wei Ying's sister. 

          "Lan Zhan...I didn't know that my brother was alive or that he was your boyfriend. I'll help you convince Lan Qiren to cancel this marriage. I want my brother to be happy." Lan Zhan nodded. "Thank you. It would literally be the best thing in the world if I could have my baby back." he said sadly. "Sizhui, please try to check on them. Please. I'll make excuses for you." Sizhui nodded. "Of course, Hanguang Jun." Lan Zhan looked at him, his eyes shining from the tears that he were struggling to hold in.

          Thank You.

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