Chapter 12

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          The next morning, the squad woke up early. They went to Lotus Pier to visit Jiang Cheng. At first Wei Ying was hesitant, but after Lan Zhan promised to protect him, he agreed. Lan Zhan put the needles in his large sleeves and gave Wei Ying a peck on his forhead. 

          "Don't be scared," he whispered in Wei Ying's ear. "I'll protect you with my life." Wei Ying smiled, and hugged an Zhan tightly. "I love you." he murmured. Lan Zhan smiled a tiny bit. "I love you more." With that, they set of to Yunmeng, Wei Ying still tightly clinging onto Lan Zhan.


          When they got to Lotus Pier, Wei Ying let out a huge sigh. Besides him, Wen Ning shivered in fright. Lan Zhan gave Wen Ning's hand a small squeeze, and embraced Wei Ying into a huge hug. He never admitted it, but he used to be extremely jealous of Wen Ning, especially when he spent a lot of time with Wei Ying. But after Wei Ying and Lan Zhan confessed their feelings to each other, he managed to supress that jealousy. "We'll be okay." Lan Zhan said. Wei Ying flashed a gorgeous smile. "If you're by my side, no matter what happens, I'll be happy." 

          The five walked into Lotus Pier. Jiang Cheng was sitting on a throne, and stood up to greet him. He bowed to each one.

          "Madam Li Yuqi, Lan Sizhui, Wen Ning, Lan Wangji..." He trailed off for a moment, "And Wei Wuxian." he finished, looking uncomfortable. "There was some...mishaps yesterday. I am at fault." he said. "I don't know what happened." he admitted it. "My inner thoughts that I never meant to take seriously were revealed..." Wei Ying glowered at him. "So you wanted to kill me in your mind, but was too nice to do so?" he yelled. Jiang Cheng looked at him with tired expression. "I never wanted to kill or harm any of you in anyway. It's just...Wei Ying...I truly did envy you a lot back then." He paused for a second. "My own father cared for you more than me, and my mother was just harsh to everyone. I had never felt fully loved by anyone. You even got a lover before me!" Lan Zhan snorted, and held Wei Ying's hand tightly.

          "That still doesn't take back for ANY of the things you did, Jiang Cheng. While some of it may be at the fault of the needle, I doubt all of it is, right? When Uncle kicked Wei Ying out of Cloud Recesses, THAT WAS YOUR FAULT. IT'S STILL YOUR FAULT THAT I GOT KICKED OUT OF MY HOME. IT'S STILL YOUR FAULT THAT I HAD TO SEPARATE FROM MY LOVE." Lan Zhan shouted. Wei Ying hugged Lan Zhan. "It's okay dear. Calm down." he murmured. "I don't want to lose you again." Lan Zhan whispered back. 

          Jiang Cheng sighed. "I'm sorry...I let my emotions get to the best of me. But...I really never intended to harm anyone." Wei Ying walked in front of Jiang Cheng and gave him a sad smile.

          "I'm sorry for being better than you..." Wei Ying said sympathetically. Sizhui let out a loud snort and Wen Ning tried his best to hold in his laughter. Lan Zhan rolled his eyes, but there was a small smile on his face. Jiang Cheng's eyes hardened momentarily, but they softened again, and he let out a loud sigh.

          "You're right though. You're better than me at everything." Jiang Cheng said, with a defeated look on his face. Wei Ying walked besides him and patted his back. 

          "I'm sorry for being better than you at cultivation and sporting events," he continued. "But you have much more common sense than me. Plus you know when to stop joking around. What do you think caused my first death? My lack of common sense. And I'm not joking around. Plus, I can't even properly cultivate anymore! You're much better than me at that now." Wei Ying let out a small laugh. Jiang Cheng looked at him with a distraught expression.

          "But the only reason I'm better at cultivation now is because you gave up your golden core...for me." Wei Ying smiled. "And I suffered the consequences. That's what I told you about common sense again. And I'm sure you'll find a girlfriend soon. Actually..." Wei Ying took a glance at Yuqi. He had noticed earlier that she had been staring at him for quite a while. When she noticed Wei Ying smirking at her, she turned bright red and immediately turned away. Stop it, she mouthed. Wei Ying turned back towards Jiang Cheng. "I believe finding you a girlfriend won't be difficult." he smirked. Jiang Cheng turned bright red, but didn't say anything.


          After they had their talk, Jiang Cheng invited everyone to dinner. As they all went into the hall, Wei Ying stayed back. Noticing this, Lan Zhan slowly walked back towards him.

          "Are you okay?" he asked gently, stroking Wei Ying's face. Wei Ying sighed. "It's been so long since I've been here...I don't even know who I am anymore." Lan Zhan hugged him gently. "You're my lover." Lan Zhan said. Wei Ying giggled, and hugged him back. "I know that, silly." he said, tapping Lan Zhan's nose. He reached his hand towards Lan Zhan's forehead ribbon. "Say, how would this look on me?" he said, fiddling with it. Lan Zhan took it off, and tied it around Wei Ying's head. Just then, someone tapped Lan Zhan on his shoulder. The couple spun around to see Sizhui staring at them. He burst into a fit of giggles, and ran away.

          "It's okay, I'll come back later!" he shouted. "Keep doing your stuff." Wei Ying laughed and gestured to Lan Zhan. "How do I look?" he said. "You're the most beautiful man in the universe." Lan Zhan replied. Wei Ying smirked. "You always flatter me so much. Let me go find a mirror." Wei Ying dragged Lan Zhan to a nearby room. The white and blue ribbon looked rather dorky compared to his black and red robes, but other than that, he didn't mind it. Lan Zhan wrapped his arms around Wei Ying's bodies, and kissed his cheek. 

          "You are now Lan Ying, or Lan Wuxian." he whispered in his ear, moving his hand around Wei Ying's chest. Wei Ying kissed his hand. "Should we get married?" he whispered. Lan Zhan moved his hand around Wei Ying's body. "Absolutely." 

Confessions || A WangXian fanfiction (most likely will not be updating, sorry!)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz