Chapter 19

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"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan said, gently pushing his husband, who was still sound asleep. "It's 4:30 AM. Wake up. We have to get ready." Wei Ying groaned and rolled around.

"Already? What do we have to get ready for?" Wei Ying mumbled sleepily. Lan Zhan sighed.

"Our honeymoon?" Wei Ying's eyes instantly shot open. "Our honeymoon!" he exclaimed, jumping out of the bed excitedly. Lan Zhan sighed but got out of the bed as well. He walked over, picked up his robes, and put them back on. Lan Zhan frowned slightly.

"Did I go to bed nearly naked yesterday?" he asked Wei Ying, who was changing out of his night-robes. Wei Ying froze. 

"You forgot?" he asked. Lan Zhan shook his head. "No. I just want to make sure that it was you that took off my robes in the middle of the night." A layer of red flushed across Wei Ying's face, and he turned around to face his husband.

"Listen, Lan Zhan, I did it for you..." he started. Lan Zhan pushed a half-dressed Wei Ying against the wall. Wei Ying could feel Lan Zhan's heavy breaths on his face. Lan Zhan leaned in and kissed him deeply. They kissed for so long that Wei Ying felt he couldn't breathe. Finally, Lan Zhan parted the kiss and flicked the hair out of Wei Ying's face.

"I know you did it for me. Now go get dressed." he said. 


Once they were both ready, they departed towards the mountain, as Wei Ying wanted. Wei Ying rode on Little Apple, while Lan Zhan walked beside them. They had no idea where they were heading, but there would definitely be a place in this world for these newlyweds. As they walked on, a string of questions started appearing in Wei Ying's brain.

"Lan Zhan, you said you liked me when I came to Cloud Recesses. But when exactly?" Lan Zhan bit his lip but refused to respond. This made Wei Ying very anxious and he started tugging Lan Zhan's robes.

"Lan Er-Gege!" he said in a whiny voice. "Tell me!" Wei Ying pestered Lan Zhan for a full five minutes before Lan Zhan finally gave in. 

"When we were fighting the water ghouls," he confessed. "I was surprised that you were so attentive by things. When I first met you, I had a decent impression, but afterward, you surprised me. I refused to admit to myself that it was a liking, but there was a strange feeling." he said. Wei Ying was startled by the confession and nearly fell off the donkey.

"F-for that long?" A wave of red rose up Lan Zhan's neck and he nodded slightly. "Mn. What about you?" Wei Ying blushed. 

"Um...only after I was reincarnated." Wei Ying confessed guiltily. "When?" Lan Zhan said bluntly. "Ummm..." Wei Ying stuttered. Lan Zhan sighed.

"Just confess. It doesn't matter. We're married." "Only when you brought me to Gusu. Because out of everyone, you were the only one that recognized me. Other than Jiang Cheng, but he was pretty pissed at me. And you offered to help. Actually...there's something else I should apologize for..." Wei Ying said nervously.

"What is it?" Lan Zhan asked. Wei Ying sighed. "I'm sorry for pushing you away all those times you tried to help me. I should have accepted the fact. I..." Lan Zhan took Wei Ying off of Little Apple and embraced him in a tight hug.

"It's okay," Lan Zhan whispered. "At least we're together again. Besides, between us, there are no sorry's and thank you's." he said. Wei Ying hugged him back and buried his face in Lan Zhan's arms.

The two hugged for a strangely long period of time when their small session was interrupted by a high pitched scream. They immediately parted. Lan Zhan frowned slightly. 

"Is someone in danger?" Wei Ying asked. Lan Zhan didn't move. "I'm not sure. The scream is rather high pitched, and there is only one voice. Besides, they aren't making any words. Just screaming. Wei Ying, lets split up for now. We must find the source. Once you find it, call for me. I will call for you if I find it. If nothing is found after 30 minutes, meet back here." Wei Ying nodded. "Got it." he said, before sprinting the opposite direction of Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying ran for a while. The screaming was getting louder, but so was the sound of a thunderous river. Finally, he emerged into a clearing with a river, flowing swiftly and violently towards a waterfall, so fast that no one would be able to swim out of it, not even the most skilled swimmer.

And in the river, only a 15 meters away from the fatal dropping point, was a sealed basket. Whatever was in the basket was where the screams had originated from. 

Swiftly, Wei Ying jumped over and grabbed the basket handle. However, the water was so thunderous that although Wei Ying was still above the water's surface, he was swept in. On the verge of nearly drowning, he quickly created his *Binding Talisman and tied it to a tree. Then, with the basket in his arm, he swung over to the shore. Once on the ground again, he regained his breath before shouting for Lan Zhan.

"LAN ZHAN!!!" Wei Ying screeched. In less than 30 seconds, Lan Zhan was by his side. "Wei Ying. I'm here. What did you find?" 

"This basket...why do I feel like I've seen it?" Wei Ying asked. "I feel this way too..." Lan Zhan said. "Should we open it?" Wei Ying nodded. Ever since Wei Ying brought it ashore, the screaming from the basket had abruptly stopped. "This was the source of the screaming. Now it's silent." Lan Zhan frowned.

"Do you think it could be a monster?" Wei Ying frowned. "Perhaps. The screaming was so different from what I'm used to hearing...besides this basket is so small. Monsters can change their shape easily to fit into containers as small as these. Wait for me to regain my breath. If it is a monster...we need to be prepared." Lan Zhan nodded. "Mn. Take your time." 

After a few moments, Wei Ying finally managed to calm down. "Open it on 3," he said. Lan Zhan nodded. "3...2...1!"

Once the basket was opened, the thing inside immediately began screaming again. Both of their eyes widened abruptly. 


*This talisman is the one Wei Ying originally made to keep him and Lan Zhan within a certain distance of each other. I don't recall what the exact name of it was...

Confessions || A WangXian fanfiction (most likely will not be updating, sorry!)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum