Chapter 10

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          Wei Ying's eyes widened. "Lan Zhan...are you sure?" Lan Zhan nodded. "You were beaten up to a state that could have easily resulted in death. Of course Jiang Cheng needs a taste of his own medicine. Lan Xichen is also a much better brother to me than Jiang Cheng is to you. He will probably convince Grandmaster to forgive me." Wei Ying looked at him with a joking smile.

          "Lan Zhannnnn, you looked so concerned before! I didn't know you were so chill about it." Lan Zhan glanced. "I'm the emotionless Hanguang-Jun." He paused for a second. "No, I am not Hanguang-Jun anymore. I'm the emotionless Lan Wangji." Wei Ying nudged him. "If you fell for me, you must have emotions." Lan Zhan looked at him. 

          "Wei Ying, you were the biggest mistake of my life." he said. Wei Ying's smile slowly faded. Lan Zhan opened his mouth again. "But you are also my everything. You taught me so much. I could never live without you." Wei Ying stared at him before groaning and collapsing into his arms.

          "Lan Zhan! Don't scare me like that." he giggled. Before Lan Zhan could say anything, Yuqi coughed. They both turned their heads towards her. "Sorry." they mumbled. Yuqi shook her head. "I don't need an apology. But there's this guy with long black hair and black marks on his neck that has been following us. Do you know him?" Wei Ying's eyebrows shot up. "Wen Ning!" he yelled, running to the dark figure. 

          "Master Wei," Wen Ning said, bowing. Wei Ying slapped him. "You're not my servant. You're my friend. No bowing." he said. Wen Ning nodded. "Okay. Can I come with you and Hanguang Jun?" he asked. Lan Zhan glanced at him. "I'm not Hanguang Jun anymore. Refer to me as Lan Wangji." Wen Ning nodded again and bowed. "Okay, Lan Wangji." Wei Ying nudged him. "Yeah, you can come with us. Zhan Zhan and I don't have the best reputation right now, and in case we get into a fight, an extra pair of hands would be helpful." Wen Ning nodded, before turning to Lan Zhan.

          "Lan Wangji...I'm not the only person that wanted to come along. There is someone else..." He glanced backwards, and Lan Zhan, Wei Ying, and Yuqi followed his gaze. A timid boy stepped out from behind a tree. Lan Zhan's eyes widened.

          "Sizhui!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his surprise. "A-Yuan!" Wei Ying cheered joyfully, pulling him into a hug. "What brings you hear, sonny?" Sizhui looked at him funny. "Sonny?!" Wei Ying nodded. "Technically, I raised you for a while, and so did Lan Zhan. That makes you our son." Sizhui looked at him, perplexed and wondering what had gotten into Wei Ying's mind. "If you say so..." he muttered, before turning to Lan Zhan.

          "Hanguang Jun, errr, I mean, Lan Wangji, I want to come with you. I support you and Master Wei completely. Besides, I overheard something that you guys might want to hear..." At this, Wei Ying leaned forward. "Yesssssss???" he said. Right as Sizhui was going to speak, it suddenly started pouring. Wei Ying rolled his eyes. "What amazing luck we have. Let's find the nearest inn." Lan Zhan nodded, and they all set off.


          At the inn, they booked 3 rooms; one for Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, one for Sizhui and Wen Ning, and a seperate one for Yuqi. Thankfully, Lan Zhan still had quite a bit of money on him. They all gathered in Wei Ying and Lan Zhan's room to hear Sizhui speak. Sizhui sighed.

          "Jiang Cheng has gone mad. Jin Ling is terrified of him, so he came to Cloud Recesses to tell me about it. He told me that Jiang Cheng has been rambling about the favoritism his father showed Wei Wuxian in their childhood, and that no amount of killing would ever fulfill his revenge. Whenever Jin Ling tried to reason with him, Jiang Cheng would whip him three times with Zidian. Jin Ling has scars all over his body. Terrified, he came to Cloud Recesses to seek for help." Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes in disgust. 

          "Seriously? He nearly killed me because Fengmian liked me more than him? Mind you, his mother absolutely detested me. Is that not enough to even it out?" Sizhui shook his head. "Supposedly not. But he's also mad...because...not only was Jiang Fengmian close with your father, he was also close with your mother. Rumors said..." Sizhui couldn't bear to go on. Wei Ying slapped his hand on the table in rage and stood up.

          "Rumors are rumors! Does he seriously not understand? He wants to murder me because I beat him all those childhood competitions, and I got more hugs from Uncle Fengmian? What the hell is going on his brain?! I gave him my golden core! Now he even wants my heart?" Lan Zhan put a hand on Wei Ying's shoulder. "Relax." he said. Wei Ying took a few heavy breaths before sitting back down. "Okay. Is there anything else?" Sizhui nodded. "Jiang Cheng has search parties everywhere to hunt you down. I just had the luck to meet him. That's why there's a red mark on the left side of my face." At this, Wei Ying looked at him oddly. "Your left or my left?" he asked. "My left." Sizhui replied. Wei Ying frowned. "But...Jiang Cheng is right handed!" he exclaimed. "Could it be...?" Before Wei Ying could go on, Sizhui spoke up again. "Also, Lan Wangji." Lan Zhan looked his way. "Mn." "Jin Ling talked to Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen. After hearing everything Jin Ling said, Lan Xichen managed to convince Lan Qiren that kicking you out was a mistake. Lan Qiren said as long as Wei Ying lives in the donkey stables, you can come back." Wei Ying looked at him in disgust. "I have to live with Lil' Apple!?" he cried. "Disgusting!" Lan Zhan glanced at him. "Be grateful. It's better than living on the streets without good food." At the word food, Wei Ying's eyes lit up. "True." Just then, Wen Ning, who was being silent, piped up.

          "Guys...where did Yuqi go?" Everyone looked to where Yuqi was sitting earlier. "Oh shoot." Wei Ying muttered. Sizhui's eyes widened. "And what's that piece of paper on the seat?"


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