Chapter 20

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"Why don't you go after them then?" Ann scolded Ryuji after he tried picking up two girls who were focused on Yusuke wearing his navy blue yukata with a gold waist band. The boys looked at you all a little stunned by your appearances. Ann wore a sky blue yukata with different colored splotches on them and had a bright pink waist band on while Makoto wore a white yukata with red flowers and a gold waist band. You had worn your own as well, figuring you would get into the spirit of the firework festival.

"So those are the kinds of girls you like Ryuji." Makoto deadpanned. Ryuji immediately became a blubbering mess.

"Typical Ryuji..." You muttered with a shameful shake of your head.

"You know, Yusuke's such a pretty boy, but he is really missing out because of what he says." Ann pointed out. She did have a good point.

"I guess, but he's more likable since he stays true to his ideals. Definitely more than somebody I know." Makoto trailed off and looked at Ryuji.

"Mmm. I just think his intelligence and passion just intimidates whatever girl finds interest in Yusuke." You voiced your opinion. "Not that there's anything wrong with that. You're a great guy from what I know, Yusuke." You added with a small smile.

"How kind of you." Yusuke replied with a bashful smile.

"I heard that Ryuji pretty much failed his exams!" Morgana exclaimed. Makoto looked crossed by this.

"Oh?" She stated. Ryuji glared at the cat.

"Mona, you little-"

"Hey it's gonna get crowded if we don't get going." Ann cut off and made a valid point.

"Shes right, we should get going before we miss anything." You stated.

"Agreed." Yusuke simply replied and set off. Ryuji behind a little.

"But man, you three looking amazing in yukata! Talk about Japanese beauty..." He attempted to complement. You rolled your eyes.

"Don't test it Sakamoto." You snapped at the blonde and walked beside Akira. He glanced at you with a small smile.

"You do look beautiful in that yukata." You blushed a little at his words.

"Thanks, Akira." You replied bashfully. You all soon made your way to the festival and the fireworks were going off and exploding into bright colors in the deep black sky. People cheering and having a great time as their gaze stayed on the bright colors. Though Akira's eyes wondered to you but he flinched a little when he felt a wet droplet land on his forehead. And soon enough it began to pour. "you're kidding..." You grumbled with a pout. You all found a place to hide under as Ryuji rung out his shirt, Akira tried slapping water out his ear and Yusuke put his fan away. Morgana shook his head to get rid of the wetness on his fur. Makoto was drying her hair off with cloth and you were wringing out the bottom of your yukata along with Ann. Though you seemed to be showing more leg then Ann. Makoto captured both of you and Ann's attention and turned it to the boys. Ann had dropped the cloth to her Yukata while you were still wringing yours out. You and Ann glanced over and they all glanced away like they weren't looking. You yelped and dropped the cloth and your cheeks turned bright red.

"P-perverts..." You muttered. Ann was a little frustrated.

"Oh come on!" She exclaimed. Ryuji glanced over to her and muttered.

"Looks like you need a littl-" but was cut off by Ann trying to strangle him.

"If you wanted to help then why don't you go buy me a towel already?!" She exclaimed while Makoto rubbed her temples and shook her head. Soon an announcement echoed out. Warning of heavy rain all night and a flood warning. It also mentioned the festival being shut down early. Though all of your attention was moved to a girl with short fluffy pink hair who was escorted to a limo. You let out a sigh.

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