Chapter 24

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"The date that Medjed has set for the alleged cleanse is August 21st. That day is fast approaching. The Phantom Thieves, whom they singled out, have not made any notable actions at this time. Will Medjed carry out their cyberterrorism?" The news reporter spoke as everyone's attention was set on the TV at Lebanc.

"In order to stop them, we need to help Futaba Sakura before the 21st. Our deadline is about two days prior, so the 19th." Makoto caught everyone's attention.

"Meeting up in Shibuya then coming here's the pain right? Let's make this place out hideout for a while." Ryuji suggested but then looked to Akira as If asking for permission.

"It is convenient." He simply replied.

"Not to mention, not completely out in the public eye. We don't want anyone hearing our conversations." You added.

"That's true..." Ann muttered.

"Is everyone fine with this place being our next hideout then?" Makoto asked and everyone nodded.

"We must take care to not be discovered by Boss." Yusuke suggested. You let out a shrug.

"That's true... But he may have some suspicions if his daughter suddenly changed after we all bugged him about who Futaba is." You pointed out.

"True... But there's no telling what will happen in that palace. We all need to be cautious so that the place doesn't become our graveyard." Morgana spoke.

"Man, this is gonna be one crazy summer vacation. We're dealing with international hackers and looking for a treasure in a pyramid." Ryuji grinned. You raised a brow at the blonde and Ann seemed to speak your thoughts for you.

"How can you be enjoying this? This is a crisis of whether or not out group continues on, you know?!" She scolded.

"I know that!"

"That reminds me. While we were in the Mona car, you were staring at me with a dirty look you perv." You instinctively covered your chest at the memory of Akira staring at you.

"Shaddup! It was a great view!" He then turned to the other guys. "You guys were looking too, am I right?!" Akira glanced away with bright red cheeks and rubbed the back of his neck but Yusuke grinned.

"Indeed. The Pyramid's golden ratio was truly a sight to behold." He spoke. You stifled a laugh.

"That ain't what I'm talking about..." Ryuji deadpanned.

"I wasn't staring Lady Ann. I'm a gentleman, after all." Morgana praised himself.

"Wasn't like you could anyway. You were in your car form and your "lights" are your eyes." You pointed out.

"Will we be alright like this?" Makoto questioned. You chuckled and rolled your eyes.

"Boys will be boys I guess."


You were doing a few pushups in your room when your phone buzzed. You sat down on the floor and grabbed your phone and noticed you were part of a group chat.

Ryuji: Well that sucked.

Ann: Is doing this really going to help us do something about Medjed?

Ann: By the way, welcome to our group chat.


Yusuke: Yes, welcome.

Yusuke: Anyway, do they truly intend to follow through their threat? It'd be a shame if our efforts were a waste.

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