Chapter 16

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You all giggled and continued on through the mall. "It's good you two made up. It's also good that there's another girl in our group." You said as you hung out with Ann and Makoto.

"I know right! There was just too much testosterone floating around." Ann chuckled.

"Seriously... It was a major sausage fest before you arrived, Makoto." She laughed at your words.

"I guess so. I don't know how you deal with them." She said.

"Well, Akira is really nice and dependable, Yusuke is calm and collected though very blunt and brutally honest and Ryuji... Well he's tolerable. I guess." You replied truthfully. Ann smirked and your eyes widened. "Don't. You. Dare." You warned.

"Y/n here actually has a liking for one of them" Ann teased, making your cheeks flare up. You sent the blonde a glare.

"Oh? Who is it?" Makoto asked, playing along with it.

"It's Aki-" You slapped your hand over her mouth.

"Shaddup!" You exclaimed. Face even more red if it were even possible though unfortunate for you, Makoto got an idea of who she was talking about.

"Akira huh?" She began. You covered your face with your hands and let out a groan. "I totally get it though. He is rather pleasing to the eye."

"She says that "He's a total master piece!" Haha!" Ann chuckled teasing you further.

"H-he is though!" You exclaimed much to your embarrassment. They both laughed at you and you continued on your day. It was nice having to spend time with the other girls of the group. Though most of the time that you all hung out. You could help but think about how you would reveal yourself.


"You said you wanted to reveal yourself after you were sure of what side Makoto was on. Right?" Akira asked you from across the table. You were lightly chewing on the straw in your drink. You nodded in confirmation. "Well... Now that you know. How do you plan on doing so?" You pulled away from the straw and rested your cheek on your hand.

"Not fully sure just yet. Maybe I'll start with my voice." You replied and let out a huff of mild frustration. "Maybe I'll fully reveal myself after we deal with the whole Kaneshiro case."

"We support whatever you chose, Y/n." Morgana spoke beside Akira. You smiled at the cat.

"Thanks Morgana." You spoke softly. Akira nodded in agreement.

"You know I'm here for you and always down to help you when needed." He spoke. You let out a light hearted chuckle. You placed your arm down on the table and looked at Akira with such fondness.

"Seriously... How did I manage to cop such a great friend?" You asked. Akira sent a smile your way.

"Had we not bumped into each other that day, I don't think we'd be here today." He replied.

"That is true... Glad my clumsiness actually worked in my favor." You joked. Your food soon arrived and the two of you enjoyed each other's company and silence while you ate. Once done, you two split the check and began making way home. "You... Really think having Makoto on the team is a good idea?" You muttered hesitantly.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"I mean... Her sister is prosecutor Sae Niijima. Her and Akechi together have solved a good amount of cases and Sae alone had brought a lot of justice. Who's to fully say that Makoto won't sell us out?" You spewed out your concerns. Akira stopped outside of Leblanc and you did too. He shook his head at your question.

Mystery Within (Akira Kurusu x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant