Chapter 18

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You all piled into the elevator. It was slightly cramped due to the size of the group but you brushed it off and tried ignoring the fact that you were standing a little too close to Joker. "Hey, Look!" Mona exclaimed. You all looked out the window just to see a large labyrinth.

"W-what the hell?" Skull exclaimed. "are these all vaults? How messed up is this guy?"

"We're supposed to check all of these for treasure?" Panther asked.

"Hold on... This distinct shape... Could it be..." Queen trailed off.

"Without a doubt. The treasure is very clearly in the center of all of this." You pointed out.

"I hope you're right..." Mona muttered. The elevator landed and the two of you had to figure out a code using a journal you all found much earlier. Fox had discovered it and Joker punched in the numbers. Soon enough, part one of the vault shifted and created an entrance for you all.

"Huh... Neat." You replied and walked on through. You lead them through the low level of this section of the vault to find more codes to continue forward.


I assume your sending a calling card tonight?

Akira: Yep. All we gotta do after that is to just wait til he sees it and then I'll let you know when we're ready to take him down.

Got it.

With that, you put your phone away and payed attention to class again. Once class was done. You packed up and rose from your seat but Akira approached you. "Hmm? What's up?" You asked the boy before you.

"You have time for more training?" He asked you a little shyly. You gave the boy a smile.

"Of course I do. Let's head to the gym now." You replied and lead the way. You dropped him off at Leblanc and headed home to get your own stuff. Once done, you met up with Akira and made it to the gym. There were a few people there in which to introduced them to Akira.

"Oh so you're his personal trainer?" Your friend said as she wiggled her eyebrows and nudged you with her elbow. You laughed and rolled your eyes.

"Oh please... It's not like that!" You exclaimed and she laughed in response. However, that was cut short when you felt a small and sharp pain to the ass as well as a bit of a tight grope.

"Damnnn. Look at you, ha-" before the boy continued, you sent a hard elbow to his guy then flipped him over your back and pinned him to the ground by keeping his arm high up his back.

"What have I told you about touching me?" You hissed. Akira looked at you with shock while your friend glared at the boy. Though much to your surprise, he got you off him and slammed you against the ground, knocking the wind out of you and causing you to gasp out a little for air. Your friend gasped in shock and tried taking him off you but Akira had stepped in and ripped him off almost flawlessly. Your friend rushing to your side and helping you sit up as you tried getting air back to your lungs.

"Get off her!" Akira growled. The other boy sizes him up and sent a glare.

"What is a stick like you gonna do?" He asked Akira. Akira's gaze was intense and he didn't back down.

"Leave... Him alone." You snapped at the man who knocked the wind out of you. He glanced at you then to Akira who's fist were tightly clenched. Causing his knuckles to go white.

Mystery Within (Akira Kurusu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now