Chapter 13: Hunted vs Hunter

Start from the beginning

Everyone who had ranged weapons started shooting around in hopes that at least a stray bullet would hit a mark but no targets were hit. Everyone stayed on guard since they don't know where he could be.

Coco/Silver: Damnit!

Luna: Where is he?!

Fox: Above us!

Everyone looks up and by chance, a ray of sunlight hits Glade's invisible body forcing his semblance to flicker momentarily before disappearing again. Everyone started shooting above them but Glade quickly leaves his previous spot and hides to another.

Glade: Why don't you come back Ryke! We could still use someone like you!

Ryker: Yeah lemme think about it... Uh... How about...

Ryker activates his semblance at the last second to block an incoming buckshot from their right. Newt fires an explosive arrow at the direction, causing an explosion that slightly revealed Glade's location.


Everyone fires their weapons at the spot, hitting Glade a couple of times before he moved again. Ryker collapses to the ground due to exhaustion and low aura. Because of this, Glade managed to sneak his way in between everyone, knocking them all into trees. Ryker, Velvet, Coco, and Newt's auras were low. Yatsuhashi and Silver were being knocked around by Glade before knocking them down, lowering their aura to red. Fox could barely stand up and was kicked towards Velvet, knocking them both down. Luna tried getting up but received powerful hits in the face and the abdomen. Glade picks up Luna by the neck and hurls her at a tree, depleting her aura to red.

Glade: *sigh* I'm disappointed in you Ryker. You teamed up with really weak comrades. That'll be your downfall.

Luna: You're wrong!

Glade turns around and sees Luna standing up while clutching her side and limping.

Glade: Unless you want more broken bones, I suggest you stay down you filthy animal!

Glade kicks Luna on the abdomen again, knocking her down. He grabs his dagger and walks over towards Ryker.

Glade: You know Ryke. You and I could have been brothers-in-arms. Instead, you chose to be a huntsman. You know that huntsmen and huntresses were the reason why our families were killed! So since you sided with them, I guess I'll kill you too.

Glade raises his blade and stabs Ryker... Or so be thought.


Glade: You bitch!

Ryker sees that the person who was stabbed was none other than Sliver.

Ryker: S-Silver... Why..?

Silver: *weakly* Ryker... Its... because...

Glade: *annoyed* Shh... Hush now bitch! *kicks Silver away* Now where were we..?

Glade stabs Ryker in the chest and pushes it further.

Ryker: AGH!

Glade continues to push the dagger further into his chest.

Glade: You could never beat me. You never will!

All hope seems lost. Ryker closes his eyes as he lets darkness take over. But very familiar voices rang in his head.

???: Hey Raider..?

Raider: Yeah?

???: Why don't you like killing?

Raider: Because it's not right. People are meant to live, not to die. Strength comes from life, not from death.

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