Best friends

Depuis le début

She puts on a hat, some black tights and looks around for some converse sneakers. As she walks downstairs to find her keys she hears a knock at her front door.

Knock knock knock

Sighing she goes down to see who the hell is there. She didn't even tell anyone she was back yet. Opening the door she's face to face with men she didn't want to see.
"Well if I knew it was going to be that exciting I would've gone too" Kol says leaning against the wall of their mothers office.

After telling the tale of what occurred in New Orleans to their mother she nodded thoughtfully. She knew this wasn't going to be easy, the spirits would only entrust her with this is there was no other choice. In all honesty she should've expected it.

Of course there would be war before the supernatural world unites. There's too much bad blood between species as is, with her family at the center of it all. Her husbands wrath the beginning of a war between vampires and werewolves, while Vampires should not have existed in the first place. They do not belong in nature and that is what a witch is to maintain, what she was to maintain and yet she did the exact opposite when she created them.

"I see, and how is Miss Bennett fairing? I see she did not come with you" Esther says to her children. They all have varying degrees of worry shown on their faces. With Finn and Kol in the back looking on intrigued.

"She seems to be unsettled by these developments" Elijah says ever the diplomat. Though inside he can feel his heart ache for the girl, she shouldn't be in the midst of this chaos. He wonders faintly how fate could be so cruel, then he remembers Henrik. Rebekah rolls her eyes at his explanation.

"She hasn't spoken to anyone since we took her back to the compoud in New Orleans" she tells her mother, worry coloring her voice. She had just gained a friend, a true friend who it seems would do anything for her. She didn't want to lose her now.

Esther nods before looking to Niklaus gauging his reaction to the news. He seems put off, his fingers twitch as if he is waiting to do something with his hands. All in all his agitation at the situation is very clear.

She wonders how much it would take for him to realize his true feelings for the witch, sliding her eyes to Elijah she wonders the same of her other son.

"Well we shall give her some time, but she must know of the gravity of the situation so she is not caught unawares. The Salvatore's made the mistake of keeping her in the dark, we shall not" she tells her children who all nod at her.
Bonnie was tired, down to her bones and she didn't feel like dealing with the brothers who showed up on her doorstep.

"We need to talk Bonnie" Damon says his voice sounding far to tired even to his own ears. Bonnie shook her head.

"Not today" she tells them moving to shut the door in their faces. Stefans hand shot out before she could, a frown on his face.

"So what now you ignore us like we never existed?" The light haired brother asks making Bonnie shrug.

"I can't deal with this right now" she says tiredly making Damon look at her.

"Why the hell not witchy?" He asks making her glare at them. She felt the events of the last few days catch up to her. She was tired and annoyed. She felt strung out, like a rag doll who'd been played with for too many years and is beginning to fall apart at the seams.

Town WitchOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant