part 4

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Finally lunch so I went to cafeteria cabir navya alia is sitting there, yes alia and some of other friends.
yeah I already told you...... our school is not like clichés so..... who ever can sit anywhere they want, p most of the times we all sit together, surprisingly we enjoy that quality of time ......we share our lunch boxes, so yummy yummy food 😋😋 every day,
sometimes alia keeps feeding me because let's say I eat very slow, so today she took matter in her own hands and not only that most of the times alia is the one who helps to learn Sanskrit poems in lunch break.... after the lunch we have the first hour Sanskrit but today we don't have any test still alia is insisting to eat fast, after the lunch she didn't waste any time she grabbed my hand and we keep on walking, still she didn't say anything, wait is she talking me to Mr.Malahotra class room, oh no!🥺 I already completed today's dose of Mr.Malahotra I am not ready for that again it's better to ask Alia then assume, Alia where we are going?? Alia said after class  Mr.Malahotra said to come here on lunch time,
ok🤨 then why I am tagging with you?? Because he also said bring you along with me,
Hello Mr.Malhotra Alia said
Mr.Malhotra looked up from whatever he doing before we came
Hello Alia Mr.Malhotra said and again he ignored me.
Alia how is your test  today
Mr.Malahotra asked?
Good Alia replied
He just look at my face with one eyebrow raised like questioning what about you?
I ignored him and pretend like I didn't see that and I took mobile phone and went towards the back of the class.

Yes I ignored him and using my phone Infront of him, I wanna see how much time he won't talk with me,yes and I know we can't use mobile in class room but it is lunch break so technically we can use mobiles.

He said nothing instead he focused on Alia
Alia got full marks he gave paper to Alia and asked her to check, you think if you got full marks then what is there to check right?
There your mistaken my dear friends Mr. Malahotra is perfectionist in maths
Alia made a small mistake in extra question, yes you heard correct mistake in extra question
Yes he is scolding for extra question and yes she got full marks in maths, yes my dear friends that's Mr.Malahotra

My phone vibrated and I got new message u can guess who is the sender of message?
Yes obviously Mr.Malhotra saying don't use phone and come here
Yes he is big guy who is still ignoring me, so I also ignored him
he does want to talk with me, so he is ignoring me, now here I am also ignoring him because he is ignoring me
So now who will talk first is the question?
Still Mr.Malhotra is talking about Alia mistake.
I totally zoned out from there discussion instead I completely focused on kyy fanfiction on wattpad.

Suddenly some one took my phone from my hands
Hey ..... I shouted and looked upside
Now my phone is with Mr.Malhotra
And like a good girl I decided to grab my
Phone from mr.malhotra he raised my phone and I try to grab it.
Nandu this is school manik said.
I know Mr.Malhotra I said
Then you should know you can't use phone in class
But this is lunch time I said
U can't ignore teacher manik
But you are the one who ignoring me 🙃
Mr.Murthy that's not the point you should not use the phone in class.
Now tell me 8 table first
Is he serious?
I couldn't decide so I stood frozen watching his face.
Yes Murthy hurry up manik said
🧐 I frowned is he serious?
Now he said.... I started 8 table
Yes..... I think I'm going crazy standing in middle of the class reading 8 table in my sophomore year.
8*4= 36
He raised eyebrow again 8*4=??
Nandu he said
32 I said
Nandu what should I do with you?
How many times you make same mistake nandu?
Here is the thing from childhood  many times I make a mistake of 8*4
Definitely I recheck every time when there is mention of 8 table
But today morning some one decided to ignore me, so in tension and confusion,
It skipped my mind from verifying it.
Yes he knows about it and he tried every possible way like making me write 8 table for 20 times and making me to read 8 table everyday
Still every time I make a same mistake and immediately I verify it, because my brain tells me whenever I see the 8 table I know I make a mistake, so immediately I verify and make it right.
Today I forgot it.

Nandu he said in tired voice
Next time I will check it I said
He said nothing and yes I got 💯 marks and no any other mistakes and I solved extra questions also.

Only 5 minutes left before next class, my phone I asked him
He smirked ms.murthy come and take u r phone after class he said
No.... I said
Yes Murthy go before I give you detention for using phone in class.
It's lunch I argued.....
Go ms.murthy are else you will be late for Sanskrit
Ms.Murthy try not to sleep in  class and come take u r phone after school.
Alia grabbed my hand we started running........

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