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Hello guys .......
#stayhome # stay safe 

The next day morning:

 I got ready 1 hr early, nandu what happened?
today u woke up early?
nothing Chachi, today we have an exam so I woke up early.
What's for breakfast grandma? 
Allu paratha 
dear can u please go and call Manik
Grandma I think Manik is working on some project, he will be busy, 
so I will just give it to him.
Chachi packs breakfast
Ok grandma bye
Silently I tiptoed to Manik's house,
Manik is getting ready to go somewhere and he is struggling with the tie.
I just stood there watching him, after 2 min I told here let me do it
He said nothing, just stood calmly after perfectly doing tie, I asked Where r u going Manik?
He ignored my question,He just took first aid kit and he is struggling to do himself
So I took his hand, finished dressing to his hand.
Again he ignored me

Manik went to the kitchen and trying to cook
Manik grandma packed breakfast for you
He silently came and sat at the dining table
I just open the box and handed to manik, we started eating silently
After breakfast I went to catch my bus 
My school life is pretty much  boring there is no drama like pretty little liars, in my high school there are no mean girls, there are no jack's, no players, no nerds nothing exacting.....
My high school considers the rule all are equal probably little to seriously
Well everyone does here only studying, yes we enjoy ourselves in break times, surprisingly here we don't notice the guys follows girls, no u can't find that any  gossip like she is sleeping with him, in my school it is not a case.
Well in my school everyday seems like same day nothing exciting happens same boring classes.
Today my first class maths, common Yaar who wants first class to be maths pretty much irritating, so I went to my first class with mr.malhotra
I don't know how he is dealing right now, he pretty much hides is expression behind is black look so I can't tell right now how is he.
I couldn't ask him directly at middle of the class, so for time being I just let it down, I know he is dealing with lot of staff but who likes surprise test on early morning that to in first hour of the school,I am damn sure it is not every one cup coffee but I have no choice rather than writing surprise test
Ok I am not topper of the class alia always gets full marks in the class, seriously always full marks how🙄 I don't know
How anyone get full marks like every time right but irritatingly enough
she gets full marks like every time,
I try to do my best sometime I get full marks but not every time.
I think Mr.Malahotra is infatuated with Alia, you ask me how I know this right every time MR Malahotra wanna talk with Alia I am the one who acts like mediator seriously when they fight alia most probably turns of the mobile so Mr Malahotra demands me to call alia parents and ask her to call back,
Like seriously sometimes when they argue Mr Malahotra calls me and rambles about the fight seriously who wants to listen u r friend and teacher fight at 2 am in the morning
When I tried to ignore the calls, next day he will be at home and tells directly, instead of sitting Infront of Malahotra and listening directly it's better with phone call.
Trust me drunken Malahotra is to difficult to handle he comes home directly and demands to see me and starts complaining
seriously if problem is with Alia then go and talk with her but no I am the one who should suffer by their problems, my sweet grandma never turns Malahotra so i am stuck with him.
Sadly I couldn't share with navya to so I don't know what to do with them, sometimes I feel like counsellor who is handling there case
Mr Malahotra is to much possessive over Alia like seriously when she talks with other guy they will have big fight eventually I have to call Alia and ask her to call Mr Malahotra, to add these craziness Mr Malahotra maximum avoids calling alia directly but he calls me anytime and demand anything.
So today I don't have slightest clue he will inform alia about his dad or not and I think today he will visit his dad to.

From above all this you could clearly understand my life is pretty much boring  school tution and daily soaps.
Yes u heard right I love to watch the shows like kaise yeh yaariyan I pretty much like that show and I am in love with the lead actor Parth samthaan and cute Niti Taylor.

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