Chapter 1 //In the Beginning\\

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Layla Stevenson got out of her little red car and rushed down the street. She was running late for work, and she knew she had a full head of highlights booked right when her shift started, as well as a busy book for the rest of the evening.

"Shit!" she exclaimed as her hot coffee slipped out of her hands spilling on the sidewalk in front of her salon, Capella's, "I really needed that today".  Layla took a deep breath before she stepped into the controlled chaos that is Capella's Salon on a Saturday morning.

" Hi Mandy! So sorry about the wait, you know how LA traffic is on Saturday morning." she said as she clocked in and checked her appointments for the day. Her eyes travelled down the list of regulars seeing cuts and colors, until one familiar name popped out.

Tommy Lee- Partial Foil Highlights and Haircut

That can't be THE Tommy Lee, THE drummer of Motley Crue. I'm not that well known in the industry yet...

She snapped out of her thoughts when her guest stood up and looked rather annoyed that we haven't started yet. "Come on hun, lets get you ready for your hot date tonight." Layla said leading her to her salon chair. 

Her day went by rather quickly, and uneventfully until she heard a loud Harley zoom down the street in front of the salon. She glanced at the clock and realized that her 3pm appointment had not arrived yet, and was the infamous Tommy Lee. Maybe that was him? she wondered. Just after she completed her thought she saw him walk past the storefront window, THE Tommy Lee.

"Hi, welcome to Capell-"

" When I told the girl on the phone to book me in with the hottest chick here I didn't think she'd do it."

"Oh.. well... Uh-" Layla stammered.

"I'm Tommy, but I guess you already knew that since I scheduled." he extended his hand for her to shake.

" I'm Layla, I'll be doing your cut and color today, lets get started shall we?" she questioned as she extended her hand to meet his. 

Layla's customer service facade soon faded away as they talked as if they had been friends for years. 

" And so I ended up with beer all over my dress and missing panties! Oh, I also had to be at work in 3 hours so-" Layla laughed.

"Damn babe, you can give me a run for my money." Tommy smiled as she ran some product through his freshly done hair.

He stood up and followed Layla to the front desk waiting to check out. 

"So, can I get your business card? You're really rad, and I'm sure the guys would be interested in getting done too. Plus what you did to my hair looks fuckin' awesome!"

"Of course Tommy! I'll give you a few to hand out as well. I appreciate you sending business my way." Said Layla as she passed him a small stack of cards. 

"Here hun, keep the change. I'll see you soon." He winked and gave her a fat stack of bills, then he turned around and walked out the door. 

He was... nice... Thought Layla and a pink blush crept on her cheeks. 

The Next Day * Tommy POV*

I rode down the coastal highway on my bike towards Nikki's new home. I needed to tell him about that girl from the hair salon, she is rad as fuck, and sounds like someone who could hang with the terror twins. 

My Harley roared up his driveway and into his garage where he was already working on his bike.

"Yo Nik! Whats shakin' brotha?"

"Not much T-Bone, just keeping busy, you know. Whoah, your hair looks fucking sick!" Nikki exclaimed, as Tommy took off his helmet to reveal his new highlighted mohawk.

"I know bro, real fuckin sick right?"he said fist bumping Nikki.

"I went to this new place on Clinton Street, near that hot dog place on Melrose, called Capella's. The girl I had, her name was Layla. She was fucking smokin' dude, real funny too. She had some wild stories that had me thinking shes rad enough to hang with Motley. She even told me this crazy ass story that ended up with her loosing her fucking underwear." Laughed Tommy.

"Damn, she does seem like she has it in her. " Nikki paused," Do you think she has any appointments available this week?"

Tommy handed Nikki the business card so he could dial up Capella's and get in with Layla as soon as possible.

And so here is the first chapter of Prayers for the Damned! I hope you liked it, and liked the story so far. This should keep going pretty fast since we're still in quarantine and what else better to do then write Nikki Sixx fan fiction?! Please vote and comment!

I also post more Motley content on Tumblr: gracev0609  So give me a follow!

Thanks so much XOXO Grace

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