Searcher smiled, before he flapped his wings again, he wanted to practice his hovering.

He managed to get his feet off of the ground for a few seconds when he remembered about the weather in the AU that Shades was heading too.

"Ah, crap, I don't have any winter gear." He said, he would freeze to death in his current clothing.

He really had to find something warm before he was drawn into that not Save Screen place when Shades found the Temple Guardian. He did not want to find out if he could freeze to death in the not Save Screen place.

"I guess that this means that I'll have to pay a quick visit to Papa..." He sighed, before he had an idea. "I still have some fabric, from the little shop that I ran in some AUs to earn Gold. It might be enough to make a winter coat, or to turn my current coat into a winter coat."

He brought out all of his sewing supplies and materials, sighing in relief when he found the material that he needed, when noticed a parcel in his inventory.

He pulled it out, before he carefully unwrapped it, gasping when he saw the folded clothing inside of it. There was a note on top of it.

I had a feeling that you would need this. Nightmare.

"Papa..." He felt like he was about to cry. It was a black winter coat, in the same style as his current coat, along with winter boots, a thicker pair of jeans and a long sleeved top.

He put all of his sewing supplies and materials away, apart from what he needed to add slits for his wings to the winter coat. He changed into the winter clothing, before he sat down to adjust the coat. He had asked the tailors that adjusted his other coat to teach him how to do this.

He started to hum while he worked.

"We are Maverick, we won't give in." He softly sang. "Until we win this game, through I don't know, what tomorrow holds. I'll make a bet and play my cards to win this game, unlike the rest, I'll do my best and I will never lose. To give up this chance would be a deadly sin, so let's bet it all. I'll put all my faith in us, so let the games begin..."

He smiled, before he looked at the coat, he had not only added the slits to the coat, but he had also embroidered his Dad's symbol onto it as well.

He put the rest of his sewing supplies away, and he pulled the coat on, placing his Dad's scythe into his inventory.

He closed his eyes and when he opened them, he was in that not Save Screen place again.

He could see that the window was gone now and instead, he standing in a huge room with several gauges craved into the ground that had been filled in with his and Shades's Magic.

He could see that the room was cold, but he could tell that only a small trace of the cold had leaked into the not Save Screen place.

Shades was standing in front of an altar, with two braziers with blue flames, burning on each side.

Child of Death, Destroyer of WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now