Chapter Five - Things were beginning to change

Start from the beginning

I could hear Robin's swing creaking beside me. Finally he asked me, "Why do you like this so much?"

I dug my heels into the cold ground to slow myself to a stop so I could talk to him.

"It might sound stupid, but when I'm swinging high like that, it almost feels like I'm flying." I looked down as I said this, worried that he would make fun of me.

"What do you mean?" he sounded interested.

"Start swinging, get as high as you can, and then close your eyes."

As I heard his swing begin to creak, I began to push myself again. As I got higher, I tilted my head back and let the wind send chills throughout my body. I was so caught up in the moment that I almost didn't hear him laugh as he said, "You're right! This is crazy,"

I laughed too, "I told you!"

I like to believe that in that moment, we were completely in sync. Of course, I'll never really know for sure, but it felt right.

As I was thinking, I heard a loud thud and an "oomph"

"Robin? Are you ok?" I started to slow down, worried that he had fallen off of his swing and gotten hurt.

He chuckled, "Yeah, I'm fine. I just jumped off of the swing."

"Don't do that again. You scared me."

"Come on, scaredy cat, your turn to jump." He teased.

"Alright, but I can't really tell where I'm going, so, sorry if I land on you."

I counted to three in my head as I swung back and forth and then hurled myself off of the swing. As I landed, a jolt of pain went up my legs and I stumbled forward but I was caught by Robin's warm embrace.

As I held onto him and him to me, everything suddenly felt still. I wondered what was going through his mind at this moment. I couldn't hear anything except for my heart in my ears, and I couldn't feel anything except for the rising and falling of his chest, where one of my hands had landed.

I don't know how long we would have stayed there in that position, all I know is that it ended too quickly. My phone began to vibrate wildly in my pocket. As we separated awkwardly, I quickly and clumsily fumbled with my phone as I got it out of my pocket. I pressed a button on my phone and told it to answer.

"Hello?" I said as I placed the phone to my ear. I could feel my face beginning to heat up as I turned in the opposite direction and I heard Robin clear his throat.

"Hey, where are you?" Spencer was on the other line.

"We're at the park, why?"

"I'm at Annie's to pick you up. Mom wants you home for dinner."

"Alright, just go home, I'll ask Robin to take me back."

He sighed loudly, "Ok, see you at home."

He hung up before I had a chance to. I put my phone back into my pocket and then said, "I need to go home."

Robin linked my arm in his and led me back to his car. He opened the door for me again and I climbed in.

"I had fun," I said as he pulled the car to a stop in our driveway.

"Me too," he said as he opened his car door. He walked around and opened the door for me. He helped me out and then walked me to my front door.

"Can we hang out tomorrow?" He asked as I opened the door.

"No, sorry," I said with a frown, "We always go to my grandmother's house on Christmas Eve, so I won't be home at all tomorrow. But I'll see you Friday, ok?" I grinned.

"Yeah," he touched my hand as it lingered on the door knob, "I can't wait."

I smiled and said goodbye as he pulled his hand away and walked back to his car. As I stepped inside, I brushed my fingers over the spot that he had touched. I couldn't help but smile when chills ran down my spine as I remembered what his hand had felt like on mine.

After eight months of making myself suffer, maybe things were beginning to change.


If you get a chance, you should listen to the song on the side --->

At some parts, it's kind scary how similar it is to this story.

"You pull my chair out and help me in and you dont know how nice that is but I do"

"I've been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end"

"in a wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again" etc.

So yeah, check it out!

xRebeccaDarling xX

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