Ch 01| Conditions and consequences

Start from the beginning

"Mr. Min, it is a pleasure to meet you, I am Park Eunji, owner of this house, chair person of Park enterprises, and your employer from this day on wards." She said and I accepted her hand,  making the deal official.

 I was now one of her staff.

Yet I still didn't know what was expected from me. The advert had simply said, "assistance needed," and had mentioned a really exceptional pay. Even the phone call we had earlier on in the  week had been really short and scarcely detailed. But if I was to work, it was only fair that I knew what I had to do.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Park," I said, noticing the wedding band on her finger, "But what is it exactly that I am here to do?"

My inquiry seemed to startle her. It was as if she expected me to already know the answer. 

Her eagle like eyes scanned me from head to toe, making me feel small and insignificant in my white t shirt, black jeans and black over coat. 

I must have not made a really good impression, for her nose slightly scrunched at the sight, but in my defense, this was the best outfit I owned. Unlike the lady before me, I did not spend my time swimming in dollar bills.

"Do you have... any useful talents, Mr.Min?" She asked, emphasizing the term "useful". Doubt laced through her voice,as the words slowly escaped her lips. I grimaced, seeing that she already seemed to have such low expectations of me.

 I had a feeling that rapping would not be the kind of talent she meant when she said useful. And I struggled, because aside from that, and my basic survival skills, I wasn't much of a typical "talented" person.

My eyes scanned the room, mind racing as I thought of things that I could do to please the lady. They landed on a white piano that stood at the corner of the house, facing the pool in the back yard. 

My eyes lit up.

"I can play the piano." I said in a hurry, but in my nervousness under the woman's piercing gaze, it came out more like a question rather than a statement.

 I winced. 

And again, she did not seem impressed. Instead she raised a brow, making me feel smaller and smaller by the second. I shrunk in on myself.

"Piano, unfortunately, is not the type of useful we are looking for Mr.Min," She said, and I instantly prepared myself to withstand the usual "I'm sorry we just can't hire you," that I assumed would escape her pursed lips.

But she never said it.

Instead, she continued, " Forget my question, Mr. Min. Let me put it this way. You will do whatever I ask you to do, which I assure you will not be a lot. You will mainly be in charge of delivering the food to room 23, on the third floor, and keeping that area nice and clean. Impress me, Mr. Min, and maybe someday, I will let you play that piano."

I nodded in understanding. Delivering food to the third floor. I could do that.

"Can you cook?" She suddenly asked, and again I nodded a response. I wasn't horrible at the task, even though I wasn't the best at it either.

"Good. Your shifts are from seven a.m. to seven p.m. I expect my employees to be punctual." She said, but there was something unrecognizable in her chestnut eyes when she looked at me, as if she was planning the best way to hide my dead body. 

Maybe I shouldn't have come here. Maybe she was a psychopath, conspiring to hold me hostage in her house as a slave for life.

But again, maybe I should stop overthinking the warning of the girl in the black dress and apron.

Burning Up (M.YG+ P.JM)Where stories live. Discover now