Chapter 7: Unification

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Veronica's P.O.V.

"Wow, this is definitely something I never thought I'd see." Sadie told me as we sat at a table under an umbrella at the beach.

She was referring to the zombie and human kids as well as the adults having fun together.

"That makes the two of us. But, we got it done. One baby step at a time." I replied.

I felt my wrist getting heavy and I noticed it was from my bracelet.

"Sadie, this thing is making my wrist feel heavy. Can I take it off for a while?" I asked.

Her eyes widened before she shook her head.

"No, not yet. Only when the time comes you can."

"What's the deal about this "When the time comes" thing?" I asked.

Sadie groaned before she took a drink of her slushy.

"You'll find out soon enough."

She and my parents were definitely hiding something.

We were here with Ethan, Zed, and Zoey.

"So, where were you last night? I texted you but you didn't reply and I KNOW you don't sleep early during the summer." Sadie told me.

"Nothing, my phone must've been on silent." I replied.

She gave me a look that said 'Mm-hm' before she shrugged and went back to drinking her slushy. Suddenly, she began coughing, which caught my attention. Her eyes widened before she looked down.

"Sadie, are you okay?" I asked as I placed a hand on her back, rubbing it.

She seemed to be holding onto something close to her chest before catching her breath.

"I'm fine." she replied. I nodded before I saw Zed dramatically getting out of the sand, chasing after little kids.

He caught Zoey and they came over to us with smiles on their faces.

"Let's go, troops." I said as Sadie grabbed Ethan and carried him on her back.

"Come on!" Zoey said as she took Zed's hand and dragged him with her, leading us into Zombieland.


I'm so happy that the anti-monster laws are forgotten, so I can be able to hang with my best zombies as long as I want!

We ended up at Coach's new business; Fro-Yo.

"Hey!" he greeted us.

"What's up, Coach?" Zed greeted.

"Hi, Coach! This is looking great!" I said.

"Oh, football off-season has been good to me, Zed. Little side hustle, gonna go global, gonna buy a car, get some dress shirts, and go on vacation without my great-aunt Edna, though she loves swimwear weather. You know, I might just bring her along." he explained, making me laugh.

"Cauliflower Brains Mocha Crunch please!" Zoey requested. I couldn't get enough of her cuteness!

"Strawberry, please!" Ethan added.


"You got it!" Coach said.

Seabrook has way more flavors than just vanilla now. I've learned to love this new flavor called Cookie Dough and excuse my language, but it's so damn good.

'What about you three?" he asked the three of us as soon as the kids got theirs.

"I'll take a vanilla, Coach." Zed said.

"I'll take a Cookie Dough." I added.

"Mint Chocolate Chip, please." Sadie added.

"You got it!" Coach replied with a smile.

Zed and I faked gagging noises. "Really, Sadie? Toothpaste ice cream?" he said. "Barf." I replied.

"Oh, hush." Sadie said with a smirk.

We got our Fro-Yo and just hung out together in Zombieland.


"Roni, can we go see Mommy?" Ethan asked me.

"Sure! The clinic should be on break right now." I said.

We went to Seabrook again and stopped at the vet clinic where my mom worked.

I opened the door and I saw the receptionist there.

"Excuse me, is my mom here?" I asked.

"Oh, Veronica! Hi! Your mom is on her lunch break, but you can go see her. She's in the back."

The perks of me being the head vet's daughter meant I could bring my friends over every once in a while to show them what she does.

We went into the lounge room and saw my mom there.

"Hi, Mom." I said.

She looked up and smiled. "Hi, my babies!" she said as she came over and hugged me and Ethan.

"Mom!" I whispered/yelled as she pulled away, laughing a bit.

She greeted my friends before she went to throw her trash.

"Any patients today?" I asked.

"Just a dog with a broken leg, but I already did surgery and she should recover soon. She's still under anesthesia, so don't disturb her." Mom replied.

"Can I bring Puppy for a visit?" Zoey asked.

Mom gave her a sweet smile and pat her head. "Sure you can, sweetie."

We spent the next 15 minutes or so talking with my mom and seeing how she did her stuff.

Maybe I'll bring Wyatt here once he meets my family. I think he'll like it.


Sadie's P.O.V.

After we left the vet clinic, Zed had dropped Zoey off at home while I went to drop Ethan off at home.

Veronica was going with Zed somewhere to look for Eliza, since she was off on a little rage due to the demolition on Seabrook Power about to happen.

I walked with Ethan into Seabrook, holding his hand. Once we reached his house, I knocked on his door.

It opened to reveal Jonathan. I smiled as I saw him before hugging him. I hated not living here at sometimes.

"Good to see you, sweetheart. Thanks for bringing Ethan home." he replied before the little boy ran into the house to probably play.

"No problem." I replied.

It was then he closed the door and looked at me.

"Has she found out anything yet?" he asked.

I shook my head. "She doesn't know."

Jonathan sighed before running a hand through his hair. "I hate keeping secrets from her, but what else can I do?"

"She's going to find out sooner or later. With no pressure." I said.

"Let me know when so we can get ready."

"Will do."

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