Chapter 1: Start of Summer

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Veronica's P.O.V.

I lay in my bed, groaning at the feeling of my upset stomach. Cheer camp was in two days and I had to take a rain check because I was feeling sick.

Stomach ache, headache, and throbbing nose. Great.

My parents weren't even home because of work and my brother was at a friend's house.

I heard my phone ring and I turned, seeing that it was Addison. I answered it and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey, Adi." I told her.

"Hey, Roni! Cheer camp is this Friday. Are you packed yet?" she asked.

I sniffled as I grabbed a tissue and blew my nose. "I can't make it. I'm sick."

"Oh no! Okay, I understand. Hope you feel better." she replied.

"Go crush it, hon." I told her.

"I will for you, Roni. I gotta go now. Feel better! Love you!"

"Thanks, Addison. Love you too."

I hung up and then covered myself with the blankets from head to toe.

I heard my door open and the blankets get pulled off me. Only one person has a spare key to my house. I groaned as I turned.

"Well, looks like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed." she said.

"Hahaha, very funny, Sadie." I replied as I pulled the blankets again.

"Chill out, Vero. I got what you need." she said, emptying a bag full of medicines I would need.

"Thanks. I just feel like absolute crap." I told her.

"Well, I'm gonna be here until your parents get home." she told me.

She gave me the medicines and right doses before I slowly felt the affects kicking in.

Sadie and I are the same age, but she acts like an older sister to me. It's almost like she's my protector because any time I was in danger, she was always there. Even when we were kids, she always had my back. Her bracelet matches mine, but it's a violet color.

"Just get some rest." she told me as she got a cloth from the bowl beside my bed and placed it on my forehead.


*The Following Week*

"Do I have to go?" I asked as I sat on my couch, enjoying my cup of coffee and watching T.V.

"Yes. You have to get out. You're better already anyway." Sadie replied.

"She's right, honey. Go out with your friends." my mother, Maria told me from the kitchen.

"You have to do something, sweetheart. It's summer." my dad, Jonathan, added.

"I called up Eliza and you're coming." Sadie said.

She grabbed my feet and dragged me off the couch before I groaned. "Okay! I'm going!"

I was already in some shorts and a long sleeve, so I just had to get my bag.

Sadie and I headed outside and I felt the sweet smell of the breeze fill my nose and for once, I enjoyed it.

"Finally!" I said as I went outside for the first time in a week since I was already recovered.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Sadie asked as we began walking.

We walked a couple miles into town, since the both of us were going to go have a girl's day out with Eliza.

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